During his visit to the South Bohemian Region (April 4, 2024), the Minister of the Environment, Petr Hladík, ceremoniously opened a new hall with the production of heat pumps in Milevsko, he debated with students at the Fishery Vocational School in Třebon, discussed the placement of photovoltaics on heritage-protected buildings and together with the scientists from CzechGlobe he visited the measurement station, which captures the amount of CO2 in wetlands and evaluates the state of the landscape and soil.
With the scientists from the Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the minister visited the Mokré Louky ecosystem station near Třeboň as part of a field excursion, where Jiří Dušek from the Department of Matters and Energy Fluxes described the principle of measuring carbon dioxide and methane fluxes in the surrounding wetlands. “This data allows us to refine the values of ecosystem functions and is a part of the special ESAI method that we are developing in collaboration with prof. Vilém Pechanec from the Department of Geoinformatics, Faculty of Sciences, Palacký University in Olomouc. Thanks to this, we analyze the landscape and assess in detail the effects of climate change and soil and landscape degradation. We have developed an application that includes a map that helps to identify risky places in the landscape, understand the causes and propose solutions,” explained Jiří Jakubínský, head of the Department of Ecosystem Functional Analysis of the Landscape from GCRI CAS.
“I really appreciate that the map integrates all available data and can help municipalities evaluate the state of the landscape and the effects of climate change,” praised Minister Hladík. The Mayor of the town Černovice, Jan Brožek (KDU-ČSL), who has been cooperating with Czech Globe scientists for a long time, followed up on this. “In the experimental area in Černovice, we measure the levels of water retention in the landscape, we measure the height of the groundwater depending on the weather and the way of farming. The CzechGlobe scientists’ method can serve both farmers and mayors very well in determining which measures and approach to choose in a given area,” said Mayor Brožek.
Source: MoE