The Social Dimension of New Technologies in the Energy Sector in the Ostrava Metropolitan Area
Project duration: 10/2024 - 12/2028
Provider: Ministerstvo školství mládeže a tělovýchovy Coordinating recipient: Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě Another participant in the project: Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava Another participant in the project: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i. Keywords: xxx Annotation of project: xxx
CzeCOS-BOOST: Modernisation and Boosting of LRI CzeCOS
Project duration: 01/2024 - 12/2026
Provider: Ministerstvo školství mládeže a tělovýchovy Recipient: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i. Keywords: xxx Annotation of project: xxx
Project duration: 01/2024 - 12/2026
Provider: Ministerstvo školství mládeže a tělovýchovy Another participant in the project: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i. Keywords: xxx Annotation of project: xxx
PHysically-Based Integrated Soil HEalth Simulation Platform
Project duration: 09/2024 - 08/2024
Provider: HORIZON EUROPE Recipient: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i. Keywords: Soil science, Environment, Pollution & Climate Annotation of project: PHISHES aims to bridge the missing link between data on soil health and actions for the safeguard of soils. This missing link entails
predictive capability in terms of the consequences of actions on the provision of soil functions and associated ecosystem services,
taking into account soil use, soil contamination and various drivers such as climate change. Hence the primary scientific question
addressed in PHISHES is: “How do soil use and soil contamination influence soil functions and associated ecosystem services, in the
presence of major drivers such as climate change, and how can we predict the impacts of mitigation and adaptation measures?”.
While most research teams address this question in a qualitative / semi-quantitative fashion, using, e.g., multicriteria analysis and
indicators of soil health, the ambition of PHISHES is to provide quantitative predictive capability via a PHISHES Digital Platform. To
achieve this, PHISHES will build upon several pre-existing integrated simulation tools; in particular the MIKE SHE model that provides
a flexible framework for integrated hydrologic modelling and the DAISY model, a well-tested mechanistic agro-ecological model of
the soil-plant-atmosphere system. The efficient coupling between such models will significantly enhance the ability to assess the
impact of changes in land use on soil ecosystem services. It will serve to assess the influence of various actions on soil services; i.e.,
sustainable agricultural practices (e.g., hedge rows to retain moisture and reduce erosion; no-till agriculture, crop rotation, ...), of land
restoration / remediation solutions (e.g., nature-based solutions), pollution prevention solutions, etc. The results of the scenario
simulations will be tranlated into recommendations regarding policies aimed at preserving soil health and promoting soil functions
and associated ecostem services. The PHISHES consortium brings together competencies from soil science to hydrology and policy
Project duration: 06/2024 - 05/2026
Provider: Interreg SK-CZ Recipient: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i. Recipient: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre Coordinating recipient: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci Keywords: xxx Annotation of project: xxx
Project duration: 07/2024 - 06/2025
Provider: CESNET Recipient: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i. Keywords: xxx Annotation of project: The forest ecosystem provides a variety of irreplaceable functions, playing a significant role in
the stability of all ecosystems on Earth. Currently, we observe a range of changes both at the
level of abiotic environmental conditions and biotic factors, which have a negative impact on
the forest environment. One of the main changes is the extension of the vegetation season
(VS) associated with the shortening or interruption of the dormant period. Currently, there are
several methods for evaluating VS; however, a unified method for automated determination of
VS is still lacking. One of the most commonly used methods is based on spectral vegetation
indices (VI) derived from remote sensing data, especially satellite data. The current trend in
remote sensing allows the use of data with higher spatial and temporal resolution, thereby
obtaining a time series of VI, which increases the accuracy of seasonal VI trajectories or
determination of the length of VS.
Within the biomonitoring network DendroNetwork, a completely unique measurement of
sub-crown PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) sensors has been developed, which will
allow refining VS or the growing season. The aim of the project is the automated evaluation of
VS using analytical approaches implemented in the web platform EnviLAB in accordance with
ground monitoring and remote sensing products to create fully automated evaluation of VS,
which will be presented on the EnviLAB web platform for both professional and lay public.
Maps can be used for timely evaluation of the impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems
and for proposing adaptation strategies for forest cultivation in the Czech Republic.
Enabling cross-boundary assessment, communication and management of wildfire risks in Central Europe
Project duration: 06/2024 - 05/2027
Provider: Interreg Central Europe Recipient: Autonomous Province of Trento Recipient: Technische Universität Dresden Recipient: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i. Recipient: University of Padova Recipient: Slovenian Forestry Institute Recipient: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Recipient: CENIA Recipient: Municipality of Ajdovščina Coordinating recipient: Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development Keywords: Wildfire risk, climate change Annotation of project: Wildfire CE’s primary objective is to enable border regions, the communities and landscapes within
them, to prepare, respond and adapt to the increasing wildfire risk resulting from climate change. The
project will change the way we assess and manage fire risk in the border regions and the wider
territories. Through cooperation across borders, sharing knowledge and experience it will lead to a
more integrated, targeted and inclusive approach in dealing with this increasing threat.
Until now, the management of wildfire risk has been conducted at the territorial level, with
mismatched approaches to fire warning levels, land management and communication of risk. The mapping of fuels and propagation potential is seldom conducted at the territorial level, let alone
across borders. WildfireCE will map these fuels, fire behaviour and propagation potential across
borders, it will identify where actions are necessary, what those actions are and it will implement
those actions in Pilot Regions.
Total project budget: €2.25 million (80% co-financed by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2021-2027 programme ERDF)
System for production analysis and prognosis of small renewable energy power plants with respect to variable meteorological quantities
Project duration: 05/2024 - 10/2026
Provider: Technologická agentura ČR Coordinating recipient: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i. Another participant in the project: Amper Savings, a.s. Keywords: modelling techniques; renewable energy; meteorology Annotation of project: The aim of the project proposal is to create a methodology needed to account for not registered small renewable energy plants on the Czech republic territory. In order to achieve this goal, we propose to create a software that will be able to utilize measured data from the energy sector and meteorology and process them into a reconstruction of the past energy production. An integral part of this SW shall be a database of collected input data and results. On the basis of these data, it will be possible to simulate future electricity production assuming various scenarios of installed capacity changes. This tool will be capable of performing simulations under different weather conditions. Finally, a certified methodology defining the use of these data and SW in the practice will be created.
Determination and classification of extraordinary weather situations leading to distribution or transmission systems fault.
Project duration: 05/2024 - 04/2026
Provider: Technologická agentura ČR Coordinating recipient: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i. Another participant in the project: Amper Savings, a.s. Keywords: weather phenomena; distribution and the transmission system; power supply outages Annotation of project: The main goal of the project is to establish and refine the current ERÚ methodology for assessing weather phenomena that can lead to breakdowns in distribution and the transmission system. Meteorological situations that lead to these disturbances will be determined and their intensity will also be investigated with respect to subsequent outages. In addition, meteorological parameters or data will be determined according to which it can be established that the given fault really occurred as a result of adverse weather. The project will also propose a database system that should be created for these purposes in the future, taking into account what data and quantities it should contain, both in a minimalistic version and in the maximum version with regard to financial and technical demands.
Water management analysis to support natural flooding and the transformation effect of the floodplain
Project duration: 05/2024 - 12/2026
Provider: Technologická agentura ČR Coordinating recipient: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i. Another participant in the project: Vysoké učení technické v Brně Another participant in the project: Povodí Moravy s.p. Keywords: levees; remote sensing; arial analysis; inundation and watercourses Annotation of project: The aim of the proposed project is to provide methodological support for the assessment of the possibilities of reconnecting the disused parts of the floodplain to the watercourse and their use for flooding, including the revitalisation measures often proposed at present. The methodology will be based on a multidisciplinary approach to the collection and evaluation of historical and current data. It will use different spatial scale, from the whole catchment to detailed local study as a basis for the design of the measures and will include the views of experts and the local community. The results of the project will support the activities of the river basin manager in improving the natural condition of the floodplains while maintaining the water management functions of the system.
Five representatives of projects supported by the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education have been selected for this year’s round of the REGIOSTARS competition. And one of them is now among the 25 finalists who will present their projects to an expert jury and audience at the European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels in October. The SustES project, supported by the OP RDE Excellence in Research call and led by the Global Change Research Institute of the CAS, p. r. i., has brought about a new research programme and an international team of experts working on climate change with a focus on the Central European region. And it is the successes in this area that rank it among the best projects in the Green Europe category.
Tools4CAP´s ambition is to provide end users with suitable tools for more evidence-based policy design, ultimately improving capabilities to design next-generation Strategic Plans and to perform monitoring tasks. Tools4CAP gathers 21 partners to support the design and monitoring of the national Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Strategic Plans (SPs) 2023-2027 and lay the foundations for sound preparation of Post-2027 Strategic Plans through a bottom-up adaptation of innovative methods and tools.
In June 2024, the ICOS European Research Infrastructure published the next issue of the European Greenhouse Gas Bulletin – FLUXES.
The current issue of the bulletin is dedicated to greenhouse gas inventories and a key tool for monitoring emissions and accelerating climate action (MRV).
The MRV system, which stands for scientifically based monitoring of emissions (monitoring), reporting and compilation of information into inventories (reporting) and verification of independent assessment of the reported information with the aim of ensuring its accuracy (verification), helps decision-makers to assess progress on the way to net-zero global emissions. The EC aims to reduce net emissions by 90% by 2040 compared to the 1990 level.
Scientists from all over Europe are developing effective monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems based on high-quality data. Through new projects, they introduce tools for monitoring emissions from human activities and develop methods to monitor soil organic carbon in different local climates and for different climate change scenarios.
MRV systems are developed for a wide variety of applications. They help countries verify their national greenhouse gas inventories based mainly on statistical data (e.g. the amount of steel produced, the amount of coal burned in power plants, the number of livestock, the amount of waste produced), report the results of a certain measure to mitigate the effects of climate change, or monitor the effects of carbon management. Some processes are more community-based and local, while others aim to provide a broader picture and serve entire regions and countries. Some focus on verifying activities for the carbon credit market, while others focus on removing uncertainties in inventories.
ICOS, with its almost 180 observation stations spread across Europe, provides near-real-time open access to greenhouse gas information that can be used for the MRV system.