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Global Change Research Institute, CAS

About us

The Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences – CzechGlobe is a public research institution, a European center of excellence, dealing with the causes and impacts of global change, i.e. a major current problem of humanity, one of the main aspects of which is climate change.

At CzechGlobe, we use state-of-the-art instrumentation and techniques to investigate current and future manifestations of global change in the atmosphere, ecosystems and human society. Our multidisciplinary research focuses primarily on the fluxes of energy and substances (especially greenhouse gases) in the Earth’s climate system, their impact on climate and nature, and the socio-economic impacts on human society. We use a wide scope of methods ranging from the molecular level to satellite imagery.

When solving research topics, we cooperate with top experts from scientific and educational institutions from various corners of the world.  We seek ways to mitigate the causes and impacts of current climate change. An integral part of our activities are therefore innovative technological procedures, proposals for measures for adaptation to climate change and for its mitigation.

We are a basic research institution whose core mission is to bring new scientific knowledge. However, we are also committed to helping private entities, state and local governments and the general public to translate the latest scientific results into practice as quickly as possible, both by providing direct access to new technologies and through educational activities.