CzechGlobe as the European Centre of Excellence and the project partner of many EU projects fulfils and fully supports principals of the European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. and based on the evaluation of the European Commission the prestigious award – HR Excellence in Research Award – in the Human Resources field, was granted to us on 25th October 2019.
HR Excellence in Research Award is an award granted to those institutions that implement the HRS4R strategy (The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers) based on principals of the Charter and Code.
CzechGlobe’s participation in building the European Research Area and the quality of our Human Resources Strategy are our high priority. Applying for the HR Excellence in Research Award was just another logical step following the previous project in the field of human resources – the EGERA project.
In order to obtain the HR Excellence in Research award the internal GAP analysis was developed from May to November 2018. The aim of this analysis was to compare our current practice with the Charter and Code requirements. Representatives of scientific and administrative positions were involved and the analysis subsequently resulted into the preparation of the Action plan.
All documents were submitted to the European Commission for evaluation in June 2019.
By awarding the HR Excellence in Research Award in October 2019, we entered the implementation phase of the project with the following schedule:
Implementation Phase | 2019 – 2024 | |
HR Excellence in Research Award granting | 26. 10. 2019 | |
Implementation of HRS4R according to the Action Plan | from November 2019 | |
Internal evaluation of the HRS4R implementation | October – December 2021 | |
Interim Assessment of the FEuropean Comission | 9.12.2021 | |
Implementation of HRS4R according to the revised Action Plan | From December 2021 | |
External evaluation by the European Commission | 3 years after internal evaluation |
After 24 months of implementation of the actions outlined in the initial Action plan, which were heavily influenced by the COVID pandemic, we elaborated an Interim Assessment report on our progress in the HRS4R, where we indicated how the HRS4R has embedded into our policies and practice. Based on this internal evaluation we prepared a revised Action plan for the next 36 months.
This updated Action plan for 2022-2024 together with the internal review was submitted to the European Commission for further assessment on October 25th 2021.
The assessors of the EC have concluded that the implementation of the Action Plan is ensured in a robust and systematic way and we can progress with the implementation of appropriate and improved quality actions as described in the new Action Plan.
Based on this decision, which has been confirmed on December 9th 2021 we started the new phase of the whole implementation of the HRS4R.
The HRS4R process will continue in a cyclical way, with an assessment for HR Award renewal every 36 months.
Benefits of implementing HRS4R for CzechGlobe and researchers
- Creation of a long-term sustainable, international, prestigious and transparent working environment open to both domestic and foreign top researchers.
- Connection with the Europe-wide network of research organizations.
- Improving the quality of human resources care.
- Advantages in the grant programmes of TAČR (The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic), HORIZON 2020 and others.
- Attractive conditions for building a career and professional growth in research and development.
- Guarantee of transparent recruitment of new researchers.
- Development of professional growth of researchers – establishment of the Career Support Center
- Promoting an internal culture and building common values in an open environment – establishing the Communication Hub
Steering Committee
prof. RNDr. Ing. Michal V. Marek, DrSc., dr. h. c. – Director of the Institute
doc. Ing. Dalibor Janouš, CSc. – Executive Director
Mgr. Jiří Kolman, Ph.D. – Scientific Secretary
Zdeňka Cermanová – Head of the Human Resources
Ing. Jarmila Grégrová – Head of the Project Management Department
Working Group:
Mgr. Jana Halfarová – Human Resources
Ing. Karel Klem, Ph.D. – Chairman of the Board of the Institute and Head of the Research Section
Ing. Jan Červený, Ph.D. – Head of the Domain of Adaptive and Innovative Techniques
doc. RNDr. Pavel Cudlín, CSc. – Head of the Domain of the Human Dimensions of Global Change Impacts
prof. RNDr. Pavel Kindlmann, DrSc. – Head of the Department of Biodiversity Research
Dr. rer. nat. Mgr. Kateřina Macháčová – Head of the Department of Ecosystem Trace Gas Exchange
doc. Mgr. Otmar Urban, Ph.D. – Head of the Laboratory of Ecological Plant Physiology
Mgr. Ladislav Šigut, Ph.D. – Researcher
Mgr. Miroslava Šprtová, Ph.D. – Researcher
Ing. Manuel Acosta, Ph.D. – Senior Researcher
Mgr. Nikola Audesová – Librarian
Ing. Radka Pittnerová, Ph.D. – External Supervisor
Cooperating institutions within HRS4R project (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers)
- Universities in the Czech Republic
- R&D institutions in the Czech Republic
- Secondary school
- Companies in the Czech Republic
- Foreign R&D institutions
- International associations
- NGO – non-governmental non-profit organizations
- State institutions in the Czech Republic
- Cities
- Interest association of legal entities
Universities in the Czech Republic
Mendel University in Brno (Czech Republic)
Mutual cooperation within the CzechGlobe Center of Excellence; Student exchanges; Cooperation within the MendelGlobe Center; Cooperation in the implementation of doctoral study programs
Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic)
Joint solution of research projects and leadership of students in doctoral study programs
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic)
Mutual cooperation between ADMAS projects – Center for Advanced Materials, Structures and Technologies and CzechGlobe submitted within the OP RDI
Faculty of Informatics Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
Agreement on mutual cooperation between the Center for Global Change Research – CzechGlobe CAS and the CERIT-SC project (Memorandum of Understanding); Cooperation: ALADIN system; Cooperation in the implementation of doctoral study programs
Faculty of Science Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
Cooperation in the implementation of doctoral study fields
Faculty of Economics and Administration Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
Cooperation during internships/projects of EAF MU students
Charles University Environment centre (Czech Republic)
Mutual cooperation within the CzechGlobe Center of Excellence
University of Ostrava, Faculty of Science (Czech Republic)
Cooperation within the CzechGlobe Center of Excellence and the establishment of a joint workplace “Laboratory of Biophysical Plant Physiology”
University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of ScienceČeské Budějovice (Czech Republic)
Cooperation in the field of student education and the use of the CzechGlobe infrastructure
University of Pardubice – Faculty of Chemical Technology (Czech Republic)
Cooperation in the field of student education
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (Czech Republic)
Educational and professional cooperation, scientific research, personnel and marketing
The Institute of Microbiology of the CAS (Czech Republic)
Memorandum of cooperation on the C4Sys project
Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem (UJEP), Faculty of Environmental Science and Faculty of Social and Economic StudiesÚstí nad Labem (Czech Republic)
Cooperation in the implementation of doctoral study programs
R&D institutions in the Czech Republic
IFER – Institute of Forest Ecosystem Research Ltd.šice (Czech Republic)
Mutual cooperation within the CzechGlobe Center of Excellence
Institute of Atmospheric Physics CAS (Czech Republic)
Mutual cooperation within the CzechGlobe Center of Excellence
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Czech Republic)
Mutual cooperation within the CzechGlobe Center of Excellence
Forest Management Institute (FMI)ýs nad Labem (Czech Republic)
Cooperation in drought research and monitoring, presentation of forest drought monitoring and its results
Czech Geological Survey (Czech Republic)
Framework agreement on mutual cooperation within the CzechGlobe Center of Excellence
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS (Czech Republic)
Cooperation for the acquisition of data necessary to ensure air quality
Forest of the Czech Republic Králové (Czech Republic)
Cooperation in research and monitoring of drought, natural fires, forest health, use of remote sensing methodology, bark beetle calamity mapping
Secondary school
Gymnasium Brno-Řečkovice (Czech Republic)
Cooperation related to the project Modernization of Science Classrooms and Laboratories submitted to the Integrated Regional Operational Program
Companies in the Czech Republic
MJM Litovel, a. s. (Czech Republic)
Professional cooperation in the field of contract research
Science and Technology Park and Business Incubator (Czech Republic)
Cooperation in the field of R&D and technology transfer
Safetica Technologies, s.r.o. (Czech Republic)
Cooperation in the field of effective data management and protection, especially in the field of global change research
Foreign R&D institutions
Remote Sensing Laboratories (RSL)ürich (Switzerland)
Development of R&D, new methods, procedures, transfer of knowledge of basic research into practice, teaching of students, doctoral students and education of young researchers
Institut of Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geosphere (ICG): ICG-3: Phytosphereülich (Germany)
Development of R&D, new methods, procedures, transfer of knowledge of basic research into practice, teaching of students, doctoral students and education of young researchers
National Research Council of Italy (CNR) (Italy)
Development of R&D, new methods, procedures, transfer of knowledge of basic research into practice, teaching of students, doctoral students and education of young researchers
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
Development of R&D, new methods, procedures, transfer of knowledge of basic research into practice, teaching of students, doctoral students and education of young researchers
ZALFüncheberg (Germany)
Development of R&D, new methods, procedures, transfer of knowledge of basic research into practice, teaching of students, doctoral students and education of young researchers
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), Institute of Tropical Biology Chi Minh (Vietnam)
Development of R&D, new methods, procedures, transfer of knowledge of basic research into practice, teaching of students, doctoral students and education of young researchers
Slovak hydrometeorological institute (Slovensko)
Deepening cooperation in drought research (Intersucho for SK)
Poznan University of Life Sciences (PULS) (Poland)
Development of R&D, new methods, procedures, transfer of knowledge of basic research into practice, teaching of students, doctoral students and education of young researchers
University of Sarajevo (Bosnia Herzegovina)
R&D cooperation in international projects
University of Rijeka (Croatia)
R&D cooperation in international projects
University of Novi Sad Sad (Serbia)
R&D cooperation in international projects
University of Panama (Panama)
Development of R&D, new methods, procedures, transfer of knowledge of basic research into practice, teaching of students, doctoral students and education of young researchers
Technical University Dresden (Germany)
R&D and student mobility, R&D cooperation
University of Energy and Natural Resources (Ghana)
Joint R&D projects (mainly with emphasis on carbon flow research), teaching, mobility of researchers and students
United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (Germany)
R&D and student mobility, R&D cooperation, organization of joint conferences
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City – University of Science Chi Minh (Vietnam)
R&D and student mobility, R&D cooperation
Technical University in Zvolen (Slovakia)
R&D and student mobility, R&D cooperation
National Association for Nature Conservation (ANCON) (Panama)
Spolupráce ve VaV a vzdělávání (zejm. v oblasti globální změny klimatu)
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) (Nepál)
Cooperation in R&D and education (especially in the field of global climate change)
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry (Croatia)
R&D cooperation, education, mobility, cooperation within projects
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile de Chile (Chile)
R&D cooperation, education, mobility, cooperation within projects
Université Amadou Mahtar MBOW
http://www.uam.snDakar (Senegal)
R&D cooperation, education, mobility, cooperation within projects
University of Belgrade (Serbia)
R&D cooperation, education, mobility, cooperation within projects
Tunghai University (Taiwan)
R&D cooperation, education, mobility, cooperation within projects
International associations
ECRA (Belgium)
Accession to the international network of R&D institutions dealing with climate change research
Biodiversity Research Institute (Polsko)
Cooperation in R&D and education (especially in the field of biodiversity research in Colombia and Ecuador)
State institutions in the Czech Republic
Regional Land Office for the South Bohemian RegionČeské Budějovice (Czech Republic)
Cooperation in the field of landscape design and protection of biodiversity and ecosystem functions of the landscape
Czech Statistical Office (Czech Republic)
Use, processing and presentation of statistical data, ad hoc consultations
Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic)
Drought monitoring cooperation
The Morava River Basin, s.p. (Czech Republic)
Cooperation and mutual support in the research of the water regime in the Dyje river basin and the development of a model system for the analysis of current and future risks and the planning of functionally and economically effective adaptation measures in the conditions of climate change – AdaptDyje
Prague Capital City (Czech Republic)
Cooperation in the field of methodology of urbanized modeling of temperature conditions in the city
Brno City (Czech Republic)
Cooperation to meet the city’s climate goals (SECAP – Action Plan for Sustainable Energy and Climate) within the framework of the International Covenant of Mayors
Interest association of legal entities
Contact person:
Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Bělidla 986/4a
603 00 Brno
Phone: +420 778 700 134