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Global Change Research Institute, CAS


Database of projects currently being solved as well as already completed projects.

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Number of projects found: 298

New generation and the process of manufacturing products from mycelium

Provider: Technologická agentura ČR
Coordinating recipient: myco s.r.o.
Another participant in the project: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Keywords: mycelium;circular economy;compostable;sustainability;biomaterials;packaging;waste valorization
Annotation of project:
The goal of the project is to develop an eco-innovative generation of mycelium-based products, using systematic planned R&D of parts of the production processes of biodegradable materials and their properties. In relation to the environment, the goal is to replace plastics with myco products, which are ecologically degradable thanks to their processing from bio material - waste biomass and fungal mycelium. The project aims to achieve partial innovations in the production processes, which will bring about a comprehensive innovation of products produced from mycelium. The key parameters for R&D are to achieve sufficient reduction to complete elimination of contamination of biomass input materials by developing optimal conditions and technologies for substrate sterilization and inoculation

Techniques for precision farming aimed at supporting the biodiversity of agroecosystems

Provider: Technologická agentura ČR
Coordinating recipient: Mendelova univerzita v Brně
Another participant in the project: Výzkumný ústav lesního hospodářství a myslivosti, v.v.i.
Another participant in the project: Výzkumný ústav zemědělské techniky, v. v. i.
Another participant in the project: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Another participant in the project: A. Pöttinger, spol. s r.o.
Keywords: agriculture techniques; wildlife protection; protection of biodiversity; precision farming
Annotation of project:
The subject of the project is the development of techniques for precision agriculture supporting the biodiversity of agroecosystems by preventing the injury and killing of animals. Based on the analysis of the key factors of the used agricultural technology affecting the biodiversity of agro-ecosystems, a rigorous verification of the functionality of the existing prototypes and the used assistance devices (techniques) will be carried out, subsequently an innovation of the assistance system used during fodder harvesting will be carried out and the development of the technique and related technology will be carried out, which it will also be applied during the "seedbed preparation" and when applying plant protection products. The developed technique will be continuously verified.

Mitigation of the negative impacts of weather extremes (temperature, wind and precipitation) on the public health and environment in large agglomerations

Provider: Technologická agentura ČR
Coordinating recipient: Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě
Another participant in the project: Český hydrometeorologický ústav
Another participant in the project: Mendelova univerzita v Brně
Another participant in the project: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Another participant in the project: Výzkumný a šlechtitelský ústav ovocnářský Holovousy s. r. o.
Another participant in the project: INESAN s. r. o.
Keywords: climate change; weather extreme, resilience, public health, heat island, urbanism
Annotation of project:
The objectives of the project are to broaden and stabilise the knowledge base on weather extremes, in urban agglomerations, and their impacts on quality of life, health and the environment, including scenarios for urban climate developments in the context of climate change. Furthermore, to bring new tools for holistic solutions to the mitigation of these threats and adaptation to climate change in an urban environment using both nature-based measures (e.g. vegetation) and supporting the resilience of cities (residents and institutions) in both areas of prevention and mitigation of the crisis impact. The solutions will respect the Sendai framework, the SDGs, the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, the Concept of Environmental Security and the principles of sustainability.

The Impact of Agricultural Landscape Structure on Pesticide Load and Abundance of Wildlife

Provider: Technologická agentura ČR
Coordinating recipient: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Another participant in the project: Výzkumný ústav lesního hospodářství a myslivosti, v.v.i.
Another participant in the project: ALS Czech Republic, s.r.o.
Keywords: pesticides; biodiversity; landscape structure
Annotation of project:
Propose measures in agriculture and landscape management aimed at ensuring conditions for halting the decline of biodiversity caused by pesticides. Using GIS tools, a gradient will be monitored, ranging from monoculture-poor to diverse landscapes with landscape elements and ecological agriculture. Pesticide levels will be tracked in solitary bees Osmia rufa and European brown hares. A statistical model will be developed to describe the relationship between landscape characteristics, the quantity and types of pesticides, and the population of the studied species. Based on the model, a range will be determined at which a richer landscape structure (including ecological agriculture) results in lower pesticide impact on biodiversity and higher population levels of the studied species.

Aqua Research Infrastructure Services for the health and protection of our unique, oceans, seas and freshwater ecosystems

Another participant in the project: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Keywords: research infrastructure services, transnational access, marine freshwater ecosystems biodiversity, pollution, sustainable carbon neutral circular blue economy, data, open science, Mission Ocean
Annotation of project:
AQUARIUS will provide a highly comprehensive suite of integrated research infrastructures appropriate to addressing significant challenges for the long-term sustainability of our unique oceans, seas and freshwater ecosystems. For the first time, diverse research infrastructures will be combined to facilitate the work of researchers and key stakeholders focused on challenges and opportunities for both marine and freshwater systems. An impressive range of 57 research infrastructure services will be made available to include research vessels, mobile marine observation platforms, aircraft, drones, satellite, sensors, fixed freshwater and marine observatories and test sites, experimental facilities, and sophisticated data infrastructures. AQUARIUS will support the development phase of the EU Mission to Restore our Ocean and waters by 2030, the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership, the European Green Deal, and international climate initiatives. It will also be an essential component in achieving the European Digital Twin of the Ocean and the UN Decade for Ocean Sciences. The needs of researchers will be met through a robust and transparent system of transnational access funding Calls, facilitated by centralised user-friendly access portal. The Call programme will be informed through stakeholder engagement and brokerage events. Projects to be selected for Access must convincingly integrate multiple infrastructures and contribute to the core policy objectives of Mission Ocean, that is, to protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity; to prevent and eliminate pollution of our oceans, seas and waters; and to ensure a sustainable, carbon-neutral and circular blue economy. A thematic and geographic focus will be the hallmark of the proposed transnational Calls, aligning with the Lighthouse Regions, that is, the Baltic and the North Sea Basins, Black Sea, Atlantic/Arctic, and Mediterranean Sea along with their associated rivers.

Integrated Research Infrastructure Services for Climate Change risks

Another participant in the project: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Keywords: Research infrastructure, climate change, risk, hazard, exposure, vulnerability, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, catalogue of services, transnational access, virtual access, training
Annotation of project:
Adaptation to climate change requires in-depth understanding of climate change driven risks, including their determinants (hazards, exposure and vulnerabilities) and impacts to human, production and natural systems. Integrated Research Infrastructure Services for Climate Change Risks (IRISCC) is a consortium of diverse and complementary leading research infrastructures (RIs) covering disciplines from natural sciences to social sciences, across different domains and sectors. IRISCC provides scientific and knowledge services to foster cutting-edge research and evidence-based policymaking to improve Europe's resilience to climate change. IRISCC ensures a “one-stop-shop” for various user communities on climate change risk related RI services by setting up a dedicated Catalogue of services and related access management system both for granting transnational (onsite and remote) and offering virtual access. The Catalogue of services will be built through three consecutive releases, each delivering increasingly integrated services to its user communities. The IRISCC service integration will include Service Design Labs employing co-design and transdisciplinary action, and Service Demonstrators benchmarking the integrated cross-RI services. In addition to services aimed towards the scientific community, IRISCC will offer knowledge services aimed towards policymakers and other stakeholders. This is done together with risk management platforms. The research enabled by IRISCC contributes to future reports on climate change effects (IPCC, IPBES) as well as policy- and decision-making to meet the targets of climate adaptation strategies. IRISCC contributes to training a new generation of scientists to efficiently use RI services and for data stewardship. Data from IRISCC will be open and made available in compliance with FAIR principles and linked to European initiatives such as EOSC. Strong links will be created between IRISCC and current and future efforts under Horizon Europe.

Innovative Toolbox empowering effective CAP governance towards EU ambitions

Another participant in the project: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Keywords: xxx
Annotation of project:
The New Delivery Model established in Regulation EU 2115/2021 entails significant changes to Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) governance with the introduction of Strategic Plans and new monitoring, review and evaluation requirements. The CAP is expected to contribute significantly to the Green Deal’s ambitions, securing the achievement of sustainability and resilience goals for the EU’s Agri-food systems. Innovative governance models are essential to enable result-based policymaking to deliver the best policy pathways to facilitate the green transition. Tools4CAP will (1) support the implementation of National Strategic Plans 2023-2027, and (2) lay the foundations for sound preparation of Post-2027 Strategic Plans. Accordingly, Tools4CAP establishes a flexible and participatory Coordination & Support Action designed to boost learning, exchange processes, and adoption of innovative solutions and good practices for the design, monitoring and evaluation of CAP Strategic Plans. Tools4CAP’s methods and tools will cover three key areas: (1) quantitative modelling tools for ex-ante and ex-post evaluations, (2) participatory and multi-governance decision tools, and (3) novel data and monitoring solutions. The project will deliver a comprehensive inventory of methods and tools used in the 27 Member States, methodological guidelines on innovative solutions and a Handbook of good practices. Results will be integrated in a Capacity Building Toolkit, designed to enhance science-policy interfaces. Tools4CAP utilises a Stakeholder Engagement Platform to boost bottom-up adaptation of innovative methods and tools. It will establish a Replication Lab to demonstrate their use in 10 Member States and to promote their uptake across the EU-27. The project will also set up a Capacity Building Hub to help end-users (ministries, management authorities, paying agencies, other stakeholders) reinforce their capacity to use innovative tools, including models used by the European Commission.

How to SAVE WATER in the increasing drought prone agricultural cross-border region of Weinviertel and Southern Moravia

Provider: Interreg V-A Austria - Czech Republic
Coordinating recipient: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Keywords: xxx
Annotation of project:
The ongoing climate change poses major challenges for the border region of Lower Austria and the South Moravian Region, especially in the Dyje river basin and neighboring regions. The water balance of this important and shared river catchment is already under strain, and as the dry years of 2015, 2017 and 2018 have shown, despite a robust water management system, the region has experienced massive economic damage caused by drought, particularly in agriculture, but also in forestry. The agricultural drought, which in 2018 in particular also almost immediately turned into a hydrological drought, has shown to the public administration, farmers and water managers how complicated it is (Interreg VI-A) Austria-Czechia ATCZ00048 - SaveWater Version 2.0, 11.08.2023 4 to meet the water resource demands of the different sectors during an emergency situation. Under these circumstances one of the principal rivers of the regions providing many valuable ecosystem services in the regional river catchments itself has been compromised. Moreover, projections of future climate change show that a similar situation is more likely to recur in the next few decades than at any time in the past two centuries. For this reason, there is a need to exploit opportunities for interdisciplinary and transboundary cooperation and to increase the resilience of the whole region in respect to increasing climatic water balance deficits. This project has been initiated by the Lower Austrian and South Moravian Chambers of Agriculture with the strategic cooperation of the Strategic Partners of the Government of Lower Austria, the South Moravian Region and the Morava River Basin Authority. The project has three main objectives: a) In cooperation with the two agrarian chambers and academic institutions, compile a catalogue of measures and examples of good practice aimed at specific and water-resource enhancing landscape management within the study area; b) Propose and quantify feasible and farmer-implementable measures and their proper mix to increase their resilience to drought and assess their impact on water resources in the study catchments; c) Propose and examine the feasibility of innovative and hitherto unconsidered measures such as feasible water retention or water harvesting options to better manage existing water resources and possible ways to enhance these resources in the region. The present project will make use of the outputs of two prior projects addressing the actual target region, namely the Interreg CZ-AT project "Impacts of climate change on the Dyje river basin" and the TAČR project "Adapt-Dyje - Development of a tool for identification of the main risks of water resources management in the Dyje river basin and methodology for their systemic solution under the conditions of a changing climate". These projects developed a system tool in the form of a digital twin of the Dyje river basin. However, specific measures such as the role of windbreaks, strip cultivation, increasing the number of retention measures (re-activating historical ponds, water harvesting through small-scale dams, rewetting of swamps etc.) or optimizing field crop management, mulching and cultivation methods were not and could not be assessed because of the lack of involvement of farmers from both sides of the border. Thus, the key players responsible for about 2/3 of the landscape-evapotranspiration of our target region, i.e. farmers, have so far not been involved in the formulation of measures that are feasible from their point of view. Similarly, the potential hidden in the strengthening of water management systems and their interconnections has not yet been comprehensively and substantively assessed for the entire border region. So far only measures to optimize water reserves and resources have been considered on the respective side of the border. While the measures resulting from the implementation of the first two objectives will be immediately implementable, the output of the third objective will be available as a basis for strategic discussions and cooperation between the public administrations of the two regions. The outputs of the project will be both specific methodological procedures and tools for decision-support of single or combined retention measures/water-saving options developed for farmers, training of target stakeholders (e.g. farmers and companies, advisers) by the two agrarian chambers, and the outputs of comprehensive basin analyses that will combine the benefits of the measures in the area with the quantification of the potential benefits of the measures to strengthen the water management infrastructure.

Natural and anthropogenic georisks

Provider: Ministerstvo školství mládeže a tělovýchovy
Coordinating recipient: Univerzita Karlova v Praze
Another participant in the project: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Keywords: geophysics, natural risks and hazards, anthropogenic risks, climate, climate change, meteorology, atmosphere, interdisciplinarity, geosciences, environmental approaches, mathematical approaches, modelling, society, socio-economic impacts
Annotation of project:
The main research objective of the project Natural and anthropogenic georisks is to understand natural and man-made threats and risks in the Earth's upper spheres, to explain their causes and to quantify their potential impacts on human society and infrastructures. Thus, the project should result not only in a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of these processes, but also in a proposal for their improved monitoring, possible minimisation and prediction, including mitigation of their negative effects.

Enabling use of biodiversity monitoring data in local conservation management

Provider: Technologická agentura ČR
Recipient: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Keywords: Biodiversity Monitoring, Data Integration, Land-Use Management, Conservation Management, Remote Sensing
Annotation of project:
1. Identify needs and questions of local land-use and conservation management that can be informed by biodiversity monitoring data, and describe social challenges of a data integration. 2. Match data demands with existing species and habitat data across spatio-temporal scales, identify gaps and assess capacities to fill gaps via remote sensing-based biodiversity monitoring. 3. Enable data integration across scales by leveraging instruments and capacities in local decision-making for land-use and conservation management.