Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/289 of 22 February 2022 established the European Research Infrastructure Consortium for the analysis and experimentation with AnaEE-ERIC ecosystems. The founding institutions include the Global Change Research Institute CAS – CzechGlobe.

AnaEE research infrastructure includes facilities to simulate a wide range of environmental changes, such as land use changes, pollution, biological invasion, increasing greenhouse gas concentrations or the sudden occurrence of drought.
The role of the AnaEE – ERIC consortium is to operate the research infrastructure in order to provide the tools, services and knowledge necessary to address the global environmental and climate challenges human society faces. To achieve these objectives, the consortium will coordinate access to experimental, analytical and modeling platforms and ensure cooperation with European facilities, develop technologies, harmonize methods, build industrial partnerships and contribute to know-how exchange, develop strategies for adaptation and mitigation of climate change effects on food production and thus contribute to the sustenance of the European bio-economy.
The founding members of the consortium are seven European countries – France, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Italy, Finland, Bulgaria and Belgium and the international organization CIHEAM IAMB.
The first conference of the AnaEE – ERIC consortium on “Ecosystem services under pressure: the role of experiments” will take place on June 27-30, 2022 in Prague. The conference is organized in cooperation with the Global Change Research Institute CAS, p.r.i. and the Czech University of Life Sciences. More information can be found here