In the past few days, the director of GCRI, Professor Michal V. Marek, visited the Sunyani University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) in Ghana, where on October 23 he received the appointment decree of a professor in the field of global change science from the hands of its rector, Professor John K. Kuwornu.
This happened on the occasion of his public lecture at the university on the topic “Global change – the conscience of the European fossil society”, which was attended by climate experts, ecologists, students and representatives of civil organizations.
During the ceremony, UENR officials highlighted Professor Marek’s role as a prominent figure in the field of ecophysiology and global change research while guiding the university towards fulfilling its vision to create, develop and apply knowledge in the field of energy and natural resources. At the same time, they appreciated his key role in establishing the international center for monitoring greenhouse gases and the experimental station for measuring greenhouse gases and meteorological parameters in the Bia-Tano forest reserve.
In addition to infrastructure support, UENR officials valued and called unparalleled his care for the intellectual growth of students and his contribution to scientific progress as well as strengthening of education.