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Global Change Research Institute, CAS

MSc. Natalia Kowalska, Ph.D.


Position: Associate scientist

Branch: Department of Matters and Energy Fluxes

Workplace: ÚVGZ AV ČR, v. v. i.Bělidla 4aBrno603 00



Research Focus

My research interests focus on the exchange of GHG fluxes between the ecosystem and the atmosphere. I study interactions between GHG fluxes and different environmental conditions to understand how the ecosystem responds on different climatic conditions.


02.2016 Doctoral degree Ph.D. in meteorology. Thesis: „Evaluation of methane fluxes variability measured with eddy covariance method on the peatland in Rzecin” Department of Meteorology, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland

2010 Graduate degree M.Sc. in Agriculture, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland

2007 – 2008 Scholarship Socrates/Erasmus in Berlin, Germany


– from 1.01.2021 Associate Scientist in Global Change Research Institute, CAS, Czech Republic

– 15.06.2017 – 31.12.2020 Post doc researcher in Global Change Research Institute CAS, Czech Republic,

– 1.06.2016- 31.05.2017 Post doc researcher at the University of Delaware, USA,


– ordered presentation as an external expert “BADM Biological Ancillary Disturbance Metadata” Todi, Italy, 

– academic scholarship from Department of Meteorology at Poznan University of Life Science in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 

– scholarhip in pro-qiality grant in 2012, 

– Grant from Pozan University of Life Sciences “Grant for the development of the young scientists in 2012”, 

– scholarhip ESO804COST STSM ESO804 -907, 16.10 – 10.12. 10.12. 2011, 2011,

-scholarship COST STSM ESO804 -9079, 04.10 – 30.11. 2010 .

Important research visits and fellowships

– 18-22.05.2015 participation in EC workshop–Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry,Jena,  Germany,

– 19-22.04.2015 study conducted at the University of Granada within the project InGOS Project name:„Methane fluxes of Phragmites australismeasured in two different climatic conditions(InGOS)”, Granada, Spain,

– 21 -30.07.2014 study conducted at the Vrije Universiteit –Amsterdamwithin the project InGOS Project name:„Improving methane flux characterization overan abandoned peat meadow (APE-CH4)(InGOS)”, Amsterdam, Netherlands,

-16 -19.09.2013 poster presentation:”GHG fluxes in wetlands dominated by Phragmites australis under different climates”,Antwerp, Belgium,

– 05-12.05.2013 participation in Summer School„Fluxmeasurement techniques for non COGHG: methods, sensors, databases and modeling”, Mierzęcin, Poland,

– 21-25.04.2013 poster presentation:„Measurements of methane emission from a temperate peatland by eddy covariance method”Warsaw,Biebrza, Poland,

24-26.03.2013 poster presentation:„Measurements of methane emission from a temperate wetland by eddy covariance method”during meeting in Trento ”Flux measurements techniques in different ecosystems” , Trento, Italy,

02-07.09.2012 participation in the conference:„The importance of land –atmosphere fluxes of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) for the global greenhouse-gas balance”,Hyytiälä, Finland,

27-31.08.2012 participation in theconference: „International Symposium on Aquatic Plants. Plants in hydrosystems: from functional ecology to weed research”, Poznan, and poster presentation”Evaluation of net photosynthesis of selected species of vascular plants at the Rzecin wetland”,

21-22.02.2012 participation in course about eddy covariance,  LICOR, Poznan,

24 -26.10.2011participation in the conference:„GEO-Carbon Conference: Carbon in a changing world”, FAO Rome, Italy,

– 16.10 – 10.12.2011 University of Tuscia,Viterbo, Italy–work on international database, partII „BADM -Biology Ancillary Disturbance Metadata Development”

– 11-20.09.2011 participation in summer school:„Flux measurement techniques: methods, sensors, databases and modeling”Tuczno, Poland,

-07-10.09.2011poster presentation:„Evaluation of net photosynthesis of selected vascular plant species on the peatlandin Rzecin”Wrocław, Poland,

9-11.05.2011 ordered presentation as an external expert „BADM Biological Ancillary Disturbance Metadata”, Todi, Italy,

-30.04.2011 poster presentation at the conference of GHG project:“Seasonal Net Ecosystem Production (NEP)and biomass runs of sedge community at wetland in Rzecin” ,

31.03 – 1.04.2011 completing a course of writing research papers guided by dr Anette Freibauer, Braunschweig, Germany,

– 31.03.-1.04.2011 poster presentation:„Seasonal Net Ecosystem Production (NEP) and biomass runs of sedge community at wetland in Rzecin”,Braunschweig, Germany,

-17-20.01.2011 participation in workshop:„Enlarging and Connecting the European Spectral Network” ,Hyytiälä, Finland,

– 4.10 – 30.11.2010 scholarship at the University of Tuscia, wViterbo, Italy, work oninternational database, partI, „BADM -Biology Ancillary Disturbance Metadata Development”

2011 -2013 didactic classes with students, Poznan University of Life Science

Brief scientometrics

Web of Science ResearcherID: 
