Position: vědecký pracovník
Branch: Department of Climate Change Impacts on Agroecosystems
Workplace: ÚVGZ AV ČR, v. v. i.Bělidla 4aBrno603 00
Email: zeman.e@czechglobe.cz
Research Focus
Hydrological modeling – distributed deterministic,
Hydrodynamic simulation models 1D, 2D, 3D,
Water management – water, hydrological and water management balance
educational attainment,
1974-1979 CTU Faculty of Civil Engineering Water Management
1985-1986 Post Graduate Diploma – MSc eqv, Hydraulic Engineering, IHE Delft
1985-1986 Technical Sciences candidate in Hydrodynamics, Water Structures, “Mathematical modeling of two-dimensional flow”, Czech Technical University, Prague
The FLOOD master program – Integrated Flood Risk Module for University Study Dresden University of Technology, Dresden Center for Water Resources Research, Germany
Main grant of Hydroinformatics and Mathematical Modeling at the Czech University of Agriculture for MSc. Czech and English course since 2006.
Chief guarantor of Technological cooperation with TU Budapest within the Leonardo project in 2010
Middle East University, Ankara – “Hydroiformatics in Aquatic Systems” and Integrated Flood Management and EU Flood Directive Implementation “, thematic seminar, 2012,
VŠB – Ostrava Hydroinformatics – Postgraduate Lecture series for VŠB Ostrava – PhD theses, 2014
Leading so far led by 4 students (of which 2 will defend the work in 2020)
Scientific and expert activity in the last 3 years:
– Principal investigator of the project Povodí Vltavy s.p. Construction of flow rate curves in 7 selected profiles. SoD -sml 1277/2017 –
– Consultant – “Design and Construction Supervision for Works, Project Management, Technical Support for the Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project under WB Support, 2018,
– Principal Investigator: “Local Early Flash Flood Warning System for Ricin Basin”, 2019 UNDP
Important research visits and fellowships
Foreign stays and activities
1995-1996 Netherlands (11 months), IHE Delft Postgraduate study eq. MSc Hydraulic Engineering, 1998 Denmark Pre-accession Planning to meet EU Legislation in the Czech Republic, Carl Bro Int. and World Bank, Project Manager Assistant, 2000 Belgium-Ukraine (6 months) NATO Flood Protection Expert CEPD, Brussels, NATO Nominated Expert, 2000 Germany (Week) NATO Advanced Research Workshop “Storm Control Runoff” St .Marienthal, Director ARW, 2002 Bulgaria (week) NATO Advanced Research Workshop “Urban Water Management: Science, Technology and Service Delivery” Borovetz, Director ARW NATO, 2003 Italy (week) NATO Advanced Research Workshop “Enhancing Urban Environment: Environmental Upgrading of Rome, Italy Invited Expert, 2005 Romania (Week) NATO Advanced Research Workshop, “Transboundary Floods: Reducing Risks and Enhancing Security through Improved Flood Management Planning, Oradea, Baile Felix, Invited Expert, 2005 Israel (10 days) NATO Advanced Research Workshop, “Supply of Water to Cities in Emergency Sit Tel Aviv, Israel Invited expert, 2010 Hungary (6 months) TU Budapest – Hydroinformaitcs – course – part of the UWEX project, technological cooperation with TU Budapest within the Leonardo project, 2012 Turkey (3 via 3 months) Middle East University, Ankara – “Hydroiformatics in Aquatic Systems” and Integrated Flood Management and EU Flood Directive Implementation “, thematic seminar 16/3/2012 for post-doc study and experts from Water Management, Ankara Middle East University, Hydraulic Department – the so-called expert.