Position: vědecký pracovník
Branch: Department of Ecosystem Trace Gas Exchange
Workplace: ÚVGZ AV ČR, v. v. i.Bělidla 4aBrno603 00
Email: mander.u@czechglobe.cz
Research Focus
Greenhouse gas fluxes from wetlands, forests and riparian ecosystems
Carbon and nutrient cycling in agricultural watersheds and wetlands
Nutrient retention and transformations in wetlands and riparian buffer zones
Design and study of constructed wetlands for wastewater and agricultural runoff treatment
Long-term changes in land-use structure and their influence on fluxes through landscape
BSc/MSc (Physical Geography cum laude): University of Tartu, Estonia, 1977
PhD (Biological sciences): University of Tartu, Estonia, 1983
PostDoc: University of Kiel, Germany, Department of Landscape Ecology and Water Management, 1985/10-1086/07 (Postdoctoral Research Associate, Scholarship of DAAD)
Estonian Agricultural University (since 2005 Estonian University of Life Sciences) Department of Land Reclamation: Assistant (1997-1983); Assistant Professor (Senior Teacher; 1983-1986); Associate Professor (Docent; 1986-1991)
Board of Water Management and Coasts Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany: Expert of Landscape Ecology (1988/02 -1988/07)
University of Tartu, Estonia, Department of Geography: Associate Professor (Docent; Head of Chair of Physical Geography; 1991-1992), Full Professor of Physical Geography & Landscape Ecology (since 1992); Head of Institute of Geography (1992-1998, 2003-2007); Head of Department of Geography (2007-2013, 2017-2019)
National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture (IRSTEA), Hydrosystems and Bioprocesses Research Unit, Antony/Paris, France: Visiting Professor (2012-2016)
Estonian Science Award, 2001 (Changes in Agricultural Landscapes: Impact on Nutrient Cycling; agricultural sciences; team leader)
Order of the White Star of the Republic of Estonia, 2009
Karl Ernst von Baer Medal (Estonian Academy of Sciences) 2011
Theodore Hromadka Medal (Wessex Institute of Technology, UK) 2011
Estonian Science Award, 2012 (Ecotechnology for Landscape Material Cycling Control; bio-and geosciences, together with Prof. K. Kirsimäe)
Honorary member of the International Water Association (IWA), September 2016
Important research visits and fellowships
University of Linköping, Sweden, Department of Water and Environmental Research: Research Associate (1992/02-03; Scholarship of the Swedish Institute)
Lund University, Sweden, Department of Ecology: Research Associate; 1993/03 -1993/04; 1994/04-05; Scholarship of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)
Agricultural University of Norway (since 2002 Norwegian University of Life Sciences), Department of Agricultural Engineering: Visiting Professor 1998/04-06; Scholarship of the Research Council of Norway)
Leibnitz Center for Agricultural Landscape and Land Use Research (ZALF), Müncheberg, Germany: Visiting Professor (1998/11-12; Scholarship of DAAD)
National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region, Japan, Department of Animal Production and Grasslands (Sapporo): Visiting Professor (2003/10; JSPS Fellowship)
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA Olentangy River Wetland Research Park: Visiting Professor (2008/10- 2009/03; Fulbright scholarship)
East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai, PR China; State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC): Visiting Professor (2008/03; 2009/10; 2010/11; 2014/10; 2016/10; 2017/10-11; 21019/10; Scholarship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences)
International organisations:
International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE), since 1997
International WaterAssociation (IWA), since 2001
European Geosciences Union (EGU), since 2015
Member of Academia Europaea, since 2016
Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS), lifelong member since 2016
American Geophysical Union (AGU), since 2018
International WoS-indexed journals:
Ecological Engineering (Elsevier; Editorial Board Member (EBM) since 1993; Editor since 2017); Landscape and Urban Planning (Elsevier; EBM 1999-2014); Journal for Nature Conservation (Elsevier; EBM since 2001); Landscape Ecology (Springer; EBM 2004-2008); Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science (Taylor & Francis Group; EBM since 2004); Wetlands (Springer; EBM since 2008, Associate Editor (AE) since 2013); Regional Environmental Change (Springer, EBM since 2010, AE since 2015); Ecological Indicators (Elsevier; EBM since 2010), Erdkunde (Univ. Bonn; EBM since 2015)
Brief scientometrics
Clarivate Analytics Web of Science:
225 publications, 6002 citations, h-index 41 (03.04.2020)
Among 1% of most cited scientists in the field of Environmental Sciences (since 2015)
Google Scholar:
406 publications, 10883 citations, h-index 55; since 2015: 5774 citations, h-index 37 (03.04.2020)
9 edited books (WIT Press, Springer) 12 edited special issues of WoS-indexed journals (Ecological Engineering, Regional Environmental Change, Landscape Ecology, Ecological Indicators, Journal for Nature Conservation)
Since 1999, under Dr. Mander’s supervision 41 MSc students and 31 PhD students have been graduated and 3 post-docs successfully completed. Currently, there are 3 MSc students, 15 PhD students and 1 post-doc in Mander’s team.