Position: scientist
Branch: Department of Matters and Energy Fluxes
Workplace: ÚVGZ AV ČR, v. v. i.Bělidla 4aBrno603 00
Email: pavelka.m@czechglobe.cz
Phone: +420 511 192 255
Research Focus
Forest ecology, carbon cycle, greenhouse gases exchange at an ecosystem level, plant water relations, soil respiration, global climate change, development of measuring systems.
2003-2009 Ph.D. studies: Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, Faculty of Agronomy, Czech Republic. Gained a Ph.D. degree in Ecology.
1998-2003 M.Sc. studies: Palacky University Olomouc, Faculty of Science, CzechRep. Gained a M.Sc. degree in Ecology.
2010 – present: researcher, head of the Department Energy and Matter Fluxes, Global Change Research Institute AS CR, Brno, Czech Rep. The main task of the position are: Investigation, evaluation and modelling of the GHG exchange and energy fluxes at ecosystem level; partitioning of ecosystem CO2 effluxes; to quantify the flows of matter and energy in different types of ecosystems; to evaluate the ability of ecosystems to sequestrate and store air carbon; development of measurement systems.
2008 – 2010: researcher, vice director of Institute of Systems Biology and Ecology AS CR, Brno, Czech Rep. Energy and GHG fluxes, global change, development of measurement systems.
2003 – 2009: Ph.D. student, Institute of Systems Biology and Ecology AS CR, Brno, Czech Rep. Energy and GHG fluxes, development/construction of an automatic chamber system for ecosystem respiration measurements at grassland ecosystem and an portable automatic soil CO2 chamber system.
1991 – 2003: technician, Institute of Landscape Ecology, AS CR, Brno, Czech Rep. Development and production of sensors and measurement systems, development/construction of an automatic chamber system for soil and stem CO2 efflux measurements.
Important research visits and fellowships
2004 Summer school ESF “Integrated methodology on soil carbon flux measurements”. Centro di Ecologia Alpina, Monte Bondone, Trento, Itálie.
2011 TTORCH Summer School 2011, Summer school on challenges in measurement and modeling of greenhouse gas concentrations and fluxes. Hyytiälä, University of Helsinki, Finland.
Departmental Board in the doctoral program Applied Bioclimatology, AF MENDELU in Brno (2022-)
Departmental Board in the doctoral program Landscape Engineering, Forest Ecology, MENDELU in Brno
Academy Assembly of the Czech Academy of Sciences (2018-)
Czech National Committee for Long-Term Ecological Research ILTER (2020-)
Czech National Committee for Long-Term Ecological Research, ILTER, vice-chairman (2022-)
Monitoring System Assembly Committee of ICOS (ESFRI, FP7), vice-president (2013-2016)
Research Infrastructure Council of ICOS (ESFRI, FP7), (2013-2016)
Reviewer of “Agriculture Forest Meteorology”, “Soil Biology and Biochemistry”, “Plant, Soil and Environment”, “Soil and Water Research”.
Evaluator of grants agencies Technologická agentura České republiky, Agentúra na podporu výskumu a vývoja, Slovakia.
Brief scientometrics
Num er of impacted papers: 77
Number of other papers: 20
Number of citations WoS: 3000+
H-index WoS: 25
ResearcherID: I-8754-2012