Position: technician
Branch: Department of climate services
Workplace: ÚVGZ AV ČR, v.v.i.Lipová 1789/9České Budějovice370 05
Email: skalak.p@czechglobe.cz
Phone: +420 774 953 420
Research Focus
regional climate modelling (model validation, development of datasets of station observations for verification of climate models); spatial modeling of meteorological data; climate data management
MSc: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (1997-2003)
2003- Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Department of Climatology
2011- Global Change Research Institute AS CR (former Global Change Research Centre AS CR)
2008- Czech Meteorological Society
Brief scientometrics
number of articles on the WoS: 10
total citation index: 29
H index 3