Position: Postdoktorand
Branch: Department of Climate Change Impacts on Agroecosystems
Workplace: MendelGlobeZemědělská 1665/1Brno613 00
Email: pohankova.e@czechglobe.cz
Research Focus
Field experiments, work with crop growth models
2006 – 2011: Faculty of Agronomy, Mendel University in Brno (Agricultural Specialization Agroecology)
2011 – 2016: Ph.D. student and Researcher, Mendel University in Brno
2018 – present: Postdoktorand
2011 – 2016: Ph.D. student and Researcher, Mendel University in Brno
2013 – 2017: technical worker
2018 – present: postdoktorand
Brief scientometrics
WALLOR E., KERSEBAUM K. C., VENTRELLA D., BINDIC M., CAMMARANO D., COUCHENEY E., GAISER T., GAROFALOB P., GIGLIOB L., GIOLA P., HOFFMANN M. P., IOCOLA I., LANA M., LEWAN E., MAHARJAN G. R., MORIONDO M., MULA L., NENDEL C., POHANKOVA E., ROGGERO P. P., TRNKA M., TROMBI G., 2018. The response of process-based agro-ecosystem models to within-field variability in site conditions. Field Crops Research, 228, 1-19.
TRIPATHI, A. M., POHANKOVÁ, E., FISCHER, M., ORSÁG, M., TRNKA, M., KLEM, K., MAREK, M. V., 2018. The Evaluation of Radiation Use Efficiency and Leaf Area Index Development for the Estimation of Biomass Accumulation in Short Rotation Poplar and Annual Field Crops. Forests, 9(4), 168.
POHANKOVÁ, E., HLAVINKA, P., ORSÁG, M., TAKÁČ, J., KERSEBAUM, K. C., GOBIN, A., TRNKA, M., 2018. Estimating the water use efficiency of spring barley using crop models. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 1-17.
WIMMEROVÁ, M., HLAVINKA, P., POHANKOVÁ, E., KERSEBAUM, K. C., TRNKA, M., KLEM, K., ŽALUD, Z., 2018. Is crop growth model able to reproduce drought stress caused by rain-out shelters above winter wheat? Acta universitatis agriculturae et silviculturae mendelianae brunensis. 66, č. 1, s. 225–233. ISSN 1211-8516.
WIMMEROVÁ, M., HLAVINKA, P., POHANKOVÁ, E., ORSÁG, M., ŽALUD, Z., TRNKA, M. 2017. The importance of the snow cover consiceration within water balance and crops growth modeling. In Šiška et al. Procceedings of International Scietific Conference – Snow-an ecological phenomenon. September 19-21, Smolenice, Slovensko.
WIMMEROVÁ, M., HLAVINKA, P., FISCHER, M., TRNKA, M., ŽALUD., Z., POHANKOVÁ, E., 2017. Effect of artificially induced drought on growth and productivity of selected crops within field experiment in Bohemian-Moravian highlands. In Proceedings of 24th International PhD Students Conference MendelNet 2017. November 8-9, Brno: Mendelova univerzita v Brně, Agronomická fakulta, pp. 169-173. ISBN 978-80-7509-529-9.
TRNKA, M., HLAVINKA, P., WIMMEROVÁ, M., POHANKOVÁ, E., RÖTTER, R., OLESENl, J. E., … & SEMENOV, M., 2017: Paper on model responses to selected adverse weather conditions. FACCE MACSUR Reports, 10, 1-2.
HLAVINKA, P., OLESEN, J. E., KERSEBAUM, K. C., TRNKA, M., POHANKOVÁ, E., STELLA, T., … & NENDEL, C., 2017: Modelling long term effects of cropping and managements systems on soil organic matter, C/N dynamics and crop growth. FACCE MACSUR Reports, 10, 1-3.
KERSEBAUM, K. CH., WALLOR, E., VENTRELLA, D., LANA, M., , CAMMARANO, D., COUCHENEY, E., EWERT, F., FERRISE, R.,GAISER, T., GAROFALO, P., GIGLIO, L., GIOLA, P., HOFFMAN, M., LOCOLA, L., LEWAN, E., MAHARJAN, R. G., MORIONDO, M.,MULA, L., NENDEL, C., POHANKOVÁ, E., ROGGERO, P. P., TRNKA, M.,TROMBI, G., 2017: Comparison of site sensitivity of crop models using spatially variable field data from Precision Agriculture. FACCE MACSUR Reports, 10, 1-1.
WIMMEROVÁ, M., POHANKOVÁ, E., KERSEBAUM, CH., TRNKA, M., ŽALUD, Z., HLAVINKA, P., 2016: Assessing the Impact of Drought Stress on Winter Wheat Canopy by Hermes Crop Growth Model. In MendelNet 2016: Proceedings of International PhD Students Conference. 1. vyd. Brno: Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2016, s. 189–194. ISBN 978-80-7509-443-8. URL: https://mnet.mendelu.cz/mendelnet2016/mnet_2016_full.pdf
HLAVÁČOVÁ, M., POHANKOVÁ, E., KLEM., K., et al., 2016: Effect of temperature stress and water shortage on thousand grain weight of selected winter wheat varieties. MendelNet 2015: Proceedings of International PhD Students Conference. Brno: Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 43–47. ISBN: 978-80-7509-363-9.
HLAVINKAl, P., TRNKA, M., SEMERÁDOVÁ, D., BALEK, J., KERSEBAUM, K. C., BARTOŠOVÁ, L., POHANOKVÁ, E., ŽALUD, Z., 2016: Výnos vybraných polních plodin v očekávaných klimatických podmínkách.
HLAVINKAl, P., KERSEBAUM, K. C., DUBROVSKÝ, M., FISCHER, M., POHANKOVÁ, E., BALEK, J., & TRNKA, M., 2015: Water balance, drought stress and yields for rainfed field crop rotations under present and future conditions in the Czech Republic. Climate Research, 65, 175-192.
POHANKOVÁ, E., ORSÁG, M., HLAVINKA, P., 2015: The influence of reduced precipitation supply on spring barley yields and the ability of crop growth models to simulate drought stress. URBAN, O., ŠPRTOVÁ, M., KLEM, K. Global Change: A Complex Challenge Conference Proceedings. 1. vyd. Brno: Global Change Research Centre AS CR, v. v. i., 113-117. ISBN 978-80-87902-10-3.
POHANKOVÁ, E., ORSÁG, M., FISCHER, M., et al., 2015: Comparison and modeling of effects of normal and reduced precipitation supply in field experiment with spring barley. Geophysical Research Abstracts. 17. vyd. Göttingen: Copernicus Publications, s. 10904. ISSN 1607-7962.
POHANKOVÁ, E., HLAVINKA, P., TRNKA, M., 2015: Calibration and Validation of the Crop Growth Model WOFOTS for Spring Barley in the Czech Republic. TOWARDS CLIMATIC SERVICES, Nitra. 1. vyd. Nitra: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, 51. ISBN 978-80-552-1389-7.
POHANKOVÁ, E., HLAVINKA, P., TAKÁČ, J., et al., 2015: Calibration and validation of the crop growth model DAISY for spring barely in the Czech republic. Acta Universitatis Agriculturare et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 63, 1177-1186.
POHANKOVÁ, E., HLAVINKA, P., KERSEBAUM, K. C., et al., 2015: Pilot study: Field crop rotations modeling under present and future conditions in the Czech Republic using HERMES model. FACCE MACSUR Reports. University of Reading, Reading, s. 75.
HLAVINKA, P., TRNKA, M., BALEK, J., DUBROVSKÝ, M., POHANKOVÁ. E., ŽALUD, Z., 2015: Aplikace růstových modelů pro lokální hodnocení dopadů změny klimatu na vybrané plodiny. Metodika pro praxi. Centrum výzkumu globální změny AV ČR v. v. i.
POZNÍKOVÁ, G., FISCHER, M., POHANKOVÁ, E., et al., 2014: Analyses of spring barley evapotranspiration rates based on gradient measurements and dual crop coefficient model. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis. 62, 5, 1079-1086. ISSN 1211-8516.
POHANKOVÁ, E., TRNKA, M., HLAVINKA, P., et al., 2013: Comparison of DAISY and HERMES crop growth models for winter wheat and spring barley in Czech-Moravian Highlands. ŠIŠKA, B. Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní vědecké konference Bioklima. 1. vyd., ISBN 978-80-552-1066-7.
POZNÍKOVÁ, G., FISCHER, M., POHANKOVÁ, E., et al., 2013: Analysis of Spring Barley Actual Evapotranspiration. ŠKARPA, P., RYANT, P., CERKAL, R., POLÁK, O., KOVÁRNÍK, J. MendelNet 2013 – Proceedings of International PhD Students
HLAVINKA, P., TRNKA, M., KERSEBAUM, K. C., ČERMÁK, P., POHANKOVÁ, E., ORS8G, M., … & ŽALUD, Z., 2013: Modelling of yields and soil nitrogen dynamics for crop rotations by HERMES under different climate and soil conditions in the Czech Republic. Journal of Agricultural Science, 152, 2, 188-204. ISSN 0021-8596.
ORSÁG, M., FISCHER, M., TRNKA, M., POHANKOVÁ, E., et al., 2013: Role of interception and stem flow in water balance of short rotation poplar coppice. Environmental Changes And Adaptation Strategies. 1. vyd. Nitra: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, 1-3. ISBN 978-80-552-1066-7.
FISCHER, M., ORSÁG., M., TRNKA, M., POHANKOVÁ, E., et al., 2013: Annual and intra-annual water balance components of a short rotation poplar coppice based on sap flow and micrometeorological and hydrological approaches. Acta Horticulturae. 991, 28, 401-408. ISSN 0567-7572.
POHANKOVÁ, E., TRNKA, M., HLAVINKA, P., et al., 2012: Calibration of the selected crop growth models for spring barley. MendelNet 2012 – Proceedings of International Ph.D. Students Conference. 1. vyd. Brno, Czech Republic: Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Agronomy, 35. ISBN 978-80-7375-656-7.