Position: postdoctoral fellow
Branch: Department of Atmospheric Matter Fluxes and Long-range Transport
Workplace: ÚVGZ AV ČR, v. v. i.Bělidla 4aBrno603 00
Email: szabo.b@czechglobe.cz
Research Focus
climate change, climate modeling, model evaluation, precipitation, temperature
Teacher of Geography Diploma (equal with MSc): University of Pecs
PhD of Earth Sciences: University of Pecs
Important research visits and fellowships
2nd EUFAR FP6 Summer School Airborne Cloud and Aerosol Science, 2008, Utrecht
International Summer School on Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 2008, L`Aquila
6th Aerosol Training Course in Hyytiala, 2010
2nd EUFAR FP7 Training and Education for Turbulence Research via Airborne Data, 2010, Hyeres
AEGEAN PollutionÉ Gaseous and Aerosol airborne Measurement, 2011, Athen
European Facility for Airborne Research
Brief scientometrics
Sum of the Times Cited : 36
Sum of Times Cited without self-citations : 35
Citing Articles : 36
Citing Articles without self-citations : 35
Average Citations per Item: 6
h-index: 3