Position: junior researcher
Branch: Department of Climate Change Impacts on Agroecosystems
Workplace: MendelGlobeZemědělská 1665/1Brno613 00
Email: hlavinka.p@czechglobe.cz
Research Focus
Agrometeorology, using of crop growth models, water balance modeling, drought stress assessment, climate change impacts on crop growth and development, soil-climate-crop interactions, remote sensing, support for the operative and strategic decision making within crop production.
2000 – 2005 Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno MSc. in Agric. ecology – graduated with distinction
2005 – 2008 Ph.D. student, Institute of Agrosystems and bioclimatology, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno
2006 – 2017 Teacher at Mendel University in Brno, Institute of agrosystems and bioclimatology
2017 – present Assoc. Prof. at Mendel University in Brno, Institute of agrosystems and bioclimatology
2011 – present Researcher at Global Change Research Institute AS CR, v.v.i. Brno, Czech republic
Visegrad Group Academies – Young Researcher Award 2013 (Agricultural Sciences)
Important research visits and fellowships
BOKU University Vienna (5 months in 2006 and 5 months in 2007)
INRA France (one week in 2006)
ZALF Germany – Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (one week in 2009)
National Drought Mitigation Centre, Lincoln, Nebraska (several visits from the year 2011)
University of Georgia, USA – Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer Workshop (one week in 2013)
Brief scientometrics
number of articles WoS: 79
sum of Times Cited WoS (without self-citations): 1732
H index (WoS): 24
10 most significant publications over the last 10 years:
1. Hlavinka, P., Kersebaum, K.C., Dubrovský, M., Fischer, M., Pohanková, E., Balek, J., Žalud, Z., Trnka, M., 2015. Water balance, drought stress and yields for rainfed field crop rotations under present and future conditions in the Czech Republic. Climate Research 65:175-192. doi: 10.3354/cr01339
2. HLAVINKA, P., TRNKA, M., KERSEBAUM, K.C., ČERMÁK, P., POHANKOVÁ, E., ORSÁG, M., POKORNÝ, E., FISCHER, M., BRTNICKÝ, M., ŽALUD, Z., 2014. Modelling of yields and soil nitrogen dynamics for crop rotations by HERMES under different climate and soil conditions in the Czech Republic. Journal of Agricultural Science152: 188-204 , doi:10.1017/S0021859612001001.
3. Hlavinka, P., Trnka, M., Balek, J., Semerádová, D., Hayes, M., Svoboda, M., Eitzinger, J., Možný, M., Fischer, M., Hunt, E., Žalud, Z.,2011. Development and evaluation of the SoilClim model for water balance and soil climate estimates. Agricultural Water Management98: 1249-1261. DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2011.03.011.
4. Hlavinka, P., Trnka, M., Semerádová, D., Dubrovský, M., Žalud, Z., Možný, M. 2009. Effect of drought on yield variability of key crops in Czech Republic. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology149: 431-442.
5. TRNKA, M., Hlavinka, P., Semenov, M., 2015. Adaptation options for wheat in Europe will be limited by increased adverse weather events under climate change. Journal of Royal Society Interfarce 12: 20150721.
6. Trnka, M., Olesen, J.E., Kersebaum, K.C., Skjelvag, A. O., Eitzinger,J., Seguin, B., Peltonen-Sainio, P., Rötter, R., Iglesias, A., Orlandini, S., Dubrovský, M., Hlavinka, P., Balek, J., Eckersten, H., Cloppet, E., Calanca, P., Gobin, A., Vučetić, V., Nejedlik, P., Kumar, S., Lalic, B., Mestre, A., Rossi, F., Kozyra, J., Alexandrov, V., Semerádová, D., Žalud, Z., 2011. Agroclimatic conditions in Europe under climate change. Global Change Biology17: 2298-2318, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02396.x
7. Žalud, Z., Hlavinka, P., Prokeš, K., Semerádová, D., Balek, J., Trnka, M., 2017. Impacts of water availability and drought on maize yield – A comparison of 16 indicators. Agricultural Water Management 188, 126-135.
8. Palosuo, T., Kersebaum, K.C., Angulo, C., Hlavinka, P., Moriondo, M., Olesen, J.E., Patil, R.H. Ruget, F., Rumbaur, C., Takáč, J., Trnka, M., Bindi, M., Caldag, B., Ewert, F., Ferrise, R., Mirschel, W., Saylan, L., Šiška, B., Rötter, R., 2011. Simulation of winter wheat yield and its variability in different climates of Europe: A comparison of eight crop growth models. European Journal of Agronomy 35: 103-114. ISSN 1161-0301.
9. Rotter, R.P., Palosuo, T., Kersebaum, K.C., Angulo, C., Bindi, M., Ewert, F., Ferrise, R., Hlavinka, P., Moriondo, M., Nendel, C., Olesen, J.E., Patil, R.H., Ruget, F., Takac, J., Trnka, M., 2012. Simulation of spring barley yield in different climatic zones of Northern and Central Europe: A comparison of nine crop models. Field Crops Research133: 23-36.
10. Trnka, M., Eitzinger, J., Hlavinka, P., Dubrovsky, M., Semeradova, D., Stepanek, P., Thaler, S., Zalud, Z., Mozny, M., Formayer, H., 2009: Climate-driven changes of production regions in Central Europe. Plant Soil and Environment 55: 257-266.
Important publications over the last 2 years:
1. Yin, X.,Kersebaum, K.C.,Kollas, C., Baby, S., Beaudoin, N., Manevski, K., Palosuo, T., Nendel, C., Wu, L., Hoffmann, M., Hoffmann, H., Sharif, B., Armas-Herrera, C.M., Bindi, M., Charfeddine, M., Conradt, T., Constantin, J., Ewert, F., Ferrise, R., Gaiser, T., de Cortazar-Atauri, I.G., Giglio, L., Hlavinka, P., Lana, M., Launay, M., Louarn, G., Manderscheid, R., Mary, B., Mirschel, W., Moriondo, M., Oeztuerk, I., Pacholski, A., Ripoche-Wachter, D., Roetter, R.P., Ruget, F., Trnka, M., Ventrella, D., Weigel, H.-J., Olesen, J.E., 2017. Multi-model uncertainty analysis in predicting grain N for crop rotations in Europe. European Journal of Agronomy 84: 152-165. DOI: 10.1016/j.eja.2016.12.009
2. Gobin, A., Kersebaum, K.C., Eitzinger, J., Trnka, M., Hlavinka, P., Takac, J., Kroes, J., Ventrella, D., Dalla Marta, A., Deelstra, J., Lalic, B., Nejedlik, P., Orlandini, S., Peltonen-Sainio, P., Rajala, A., Saue, T., Saylan, L., Stricevic, R., Vucetic, V., Zoumides, C., 2017. Variability in the Water Footprint of Arable Crop Production across European Regions.Water 9, 93. DOI: 10.3390/w9020093
3. Hlavacova, M., Klem, K., Smutna, P., Skarpa, P., Hlavinka, P., Novotna, K., Rapantova, B., Trnka, M., 2017. Effect of heat stress at anthesis on yield formation in winter wheat. Plant Soil and Environment 63: 139-144. DOI: 10.17221/73/2017-PSE
4. Kersebaum, K.C., Kroes, J., Gobin, A., Takac, J., Hlavinka, P., Trnka, M., Ventrella, D., Giglio, L., Ferrise, R., Moriondo, M., Dalla Marta, A., Luo, Q., Eitzinger, J., Mirschel, W., Weigel, H.-J., anderscheid, R., Hoffmann, M., Nejedlik, P., Iqbal, M.A., Hosch, J, 2016. Assessing Uncertainties of Water Footprints Using an Ensemble of Crop Growth Models on Winter Wheat. Water 8, 571. DOI: 10.3390/w8120571
5. Bartosova, L., Trnka, M., Hlavinka, P., Semeradova, D., Balek, J., Stepanek, P., Zahradnicek, P., Mozny, M., Zalud, Z., 2017. Monitoring agricultural drought in the Czech Republic – the progress of dry episodes in 2015. Listy cukrovarnicke a reparske 132, 280-284
6. Mozny, M., Brazdil, R., Dobrovolny, P., Trnka, M., Potopova, V., Hlavinka, P., Bartosova, L., Zahradnicek, P., Stepanek, P., Zalud, Z., 2016. Drought reconstruction based on grape harvest dates for the Czech Lands, 1499-2012. Climate Research 70, 119-132. DOI: 10.3354/cr01423
7. Trnka, M., Balek, J., Stepanek, P., Zahradnicek, P., Mozny, M., Eitzinger, J., Zalud, Z., Formayer, H., Turna, M., Nejedlik, P., Semeradova, D., Hlavinka, P., Brazdil, R., 2016.Drought trends over part of Central Europe between 1961 and 2014. Climate Research 70, 143-160. DOI: 10.3354/cr01420
8. Trnka, M., Olesen, J.E., Kersebaum, K.C., Roetter, R.P., Brazdil, R., Eitzinger, J., Jansen, S., Skjelvag, A.O., Peltonen-Sainio, P., Hlavinka, P., Balek, J., Eckersten, H., Gobin, A., Vuceti, V., Dalla Marta, A., Orlandini, S., Alexandrov, V., Semeradova, D., Stepanek, P., Svobodova, E., Rajdl, K., 2016. Changing regional weather-crop yield relationships across Europe between 1901 and 2012. Climate Research 70: 195-214. DOI: 10.3354/cr01426
9. Anderson, M.C., Hain, C.R., Jurecka, F., Trnka, M., Hlavinka, P., Dulaney, W., Otkin, J., Johnson, D., Gao, F., 2016. Relationships between the evaporative stress index and winter wheat and spring barley yield anomalies in the Czech Republic. Climate Research 70, 215-230. DOI: 10.3354/cr01411
10. Trnka, M., Semeradova, D., Novotny, I., Dumbrovsky, M., Drbal, K., Pavlik, F., Vopravil, J. Stepankova, P., Vizina, A., Balek, J., Hlavinka, P., Bartosova, L., Zalud, Z., 2016. Assessing the combined hazards of drought, soil erosion and local flooding on agricultural land: a Czech case study. Climate Research 70, 231-249. DOI: 10.3354/cr01421