Position: Vědecký pracovník
Branch: Laboratory of Ecological Plant Physiology
Workplace: ÚVGZ AV ČR, v. v. i.Bělidla 4aBrno603 00
Email: vitek.p@czechglobe.cz
Research Focus
Raman spectroscopy of biological and geobiological materials.
2006 – 2010: postgradual study of geology, Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Mineral resources, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. (Ph.D. 11/2010)
2003 – 2006: Environmental geology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. (Mgr. 5/2006)
2000 – 2003: Management of natural resources, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. (Bc. 6/2003)
2011 – 2014: scientific researcher, Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Mineral resources, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague.
2014 – recent: scientific researcher, Global Change Research Institute, The Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i.
Bolzano prize (2011) for the best Ph.D. theses defended at Charles University in Prague.
Important research visits and fellowships
2023, 2022, 2019: Visit at Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC, Madrid, Spain (Dr. J. Wierzchos).
2012: Stay at Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC, Madrid, Spain (Dr. J. Wierzchos).
2010: Visit at University of Sydney, School of Chemistry, Vibrational/Electronic Spectroscopy, Australia (Dr. Elizabeth Carter), focused on the method of rapid Raman mapping.
2009: Stay at University of Bradford, Centre for Astrobiology and Extremophile Research, United Kingdom (Prof. H.G.M. Edwards).
Member of 4 expeditions to the Atacama (Chile) and Mojave (USA) deserts.
Brief scientometrics
Publications in journals with impact factor: 42
Another peer-reviewed publications: 2
Times cited according to WoS: 1334 (all), 1218 (without self-citations)
H-index: 23
Researcher ID: R-8022-2016