Position: postdoc
Branch: Department of Xylogenesis and Biomass Allocation
Workplace: ÚVGZ AV ČR, v. v. i.Bělidla 4aBrno603 00
Email: stojanovic.m@czechglobe.cz
Research Focus
Analysis of differences in water balance, water management and drought stress response of sessile oak trees in different management systems (high vs. coppice).
2012-2017 Ph.D. studies: Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Department of Silviculture. Gained a Ph.D. degree in Silviculture.
2005-2011 M.Sc. studies: Belgrade University, Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade, Serbia. Gained a M.Sc. degree in Forestry Sciences.
Important research visits and fellowships
Short-term scientific mission at Forestry institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, under COST Action FP1301 Eurocoppice , May-June 2015. Project name “A dendroecological study in a different management systems of sessile oak forests (Quercus petraea (M.) Liebl.)”
Brief scientometrics