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Global Change Research Institute, CAS


Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences – CzechGlobe has ranked among the Czech research institutions which have received the prestigious European HR Excellence in Research Award. It is awarded by the European Commission for excellence in the care of human resources in the scientific environment. This award is an example of the implementation of the principles of strategic human resources management in science and is one of the tools of economic growth and support of sustainable development of society.

“Receiving the HR Excellence in Research Award commits us to continually improve our human resources policies in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. At the same time, it is a great commitment in terms of achieving fair and transparent recruitment and evaluation procedures”, adds prof. Michal V. Marek, Director of the Global Change Research Institute CAS – CzechGlobe. At the same time, the HR Excellence in Research Award entitles CzechGlobe to promote a stimulating and favorable working environment for researchers in the institution.

The application was submitted to the European Commission after having been approved by the Board of the Institute in mid-June 2019. The preparation of the application was a follow-up to the previous four-year-long implementation period of the EGERA (Effective Gender Equality in Research and the Academia) project, which was funded by the 7th EU Framework Programme. By participating in the EGERA project, CzechGlobe got involved in an international initiative aimed at addressing gender issues and equal access to workers within research organizations. The project resulted not only in the adoption of the Gender Charter, but also in the initial impetuses for the elaboration of Gap Analysis required to apply for the HR Excellence in Research Award. The subsequent steps consisted in the elaboration of a proposal for measures and an action plan for the required two-year period, after which the institute will be reviewed and reassessed to maintain the award.