Position: research and development specialist
Branch: Department of Adaptive Biotechnologies
Workplace: ÚVGZ AV ČR, v. v. i.Drásov 470Drásov664 24
Email: vicha.d@czechglobe.cz
2013 – 2015: Faculty of Agriculture – Mendel University in Brno
follow-up master’s degree, plant biotechnology
2010 – 2013: Faculty of Agriculture – Mendel University in Brno
Bachelor’s degree in Plant Biotechnology
2005 – 2009: Jan Blahoslav Grammar School, Lány 2, Ivančice
general education
April 2018 – present: Institute of Global Change Research of the ASCR, v. V. I. In Brno, Department of Experimental Large-Volume Photobioreactor
July 2015 – March 2018: Výzkumný ústav pícninářský, spol. s. r. Ó. Troubsko, Czech Republicposition: researcher, Department of Genetic Resources
Brief scientometrics
Sukačová K, Lošák P, Brummer V, Máša V, Vícha D, Zavřel T (2021) Perspective Design of Algea Photobioreactor for Greenhouses – A Comparative Study. Energies 14, 1338.
Sukačová, K., Vícha, D., Dušek, J. (2020). Perspectives on Microalgal Biofilm Systems with Respect to Integration into Wastewater Treatment Technologies and Phosphorus Scarcity. Water, 12 (8), 2245.
Kubíková Z., Vícha D., Hutyrová H. (2017): New findings on the development of Phacelia congesta. Harvest 12, 2017, Scientific Annex, 425-428.
Knotová D., Pelikán J., Vícha D., Vymyslický T. (2016): Expanding the spectrum of butterfly flower fodder. „Genetic resources No. 104, VÚRV, v.v.i. Praha – Ruzyně, pp: 24–29. ISBN 978-80-7427-202-8.
Knotová D., Pelikán J., Vícha D. (2015): Comparison of yield potential of Czech and Bulgarian clover varieties. Harvest 12, 2015, Scientific Annex, 151–154.
Pelikán J., Knotová D., Vícha D. (2015): Comparison of yield and qualitative characteristics in white comfrey (Melilotus albus) and medical comfrey (Melilotus officinalis). Harvest 12, 2015, Scientific Annex, 163–166.
Kryštofová, O., Sochor, J., Vícha, D., Adam, V., Kizek, R. Effect of cadmium (II) ions on activities of aminotransferases in plants cultivated under various lighting conditions. Cadmium Symposium 2012. 1st edition Italy: Sassari, Izaly, 2012, p. 2. – abstract of article in proceedings