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Global Change Research Institute, CAS

prof. Ing. Jan Tříska, CSc.


Position: senior, vedoucí VT

Branch: Laboratory of Metabolomics and Isotope Analyses

Workplace: ÚVGZ AV ČR, v.v.i.Lipová 1789/9České Budějovice370 05


Phone: +420 723 059 668

Research Focus

Isolation and pre-concentration of biologically active compounds in the compartments of the environment and in the plants and their analysis by chromatographic methods, especially GC-MS, and LC-MS.


 1963 – 1968  M.Sc., Technology of Fuels and Water, Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT) in Prague

1969 – 1973  PhD, Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT) in Prague

1998  Assoc. Prof. in Analytical Chemistry, ICT in Prague

2012 Prof. in Environmental Chemistry, MU Brno (20.6.2012)


1975 – 1979   Research Assistant, ICT Prague

1982 – 1987    Principal Research Worker, ICT Prague

1987 – 1992  Principal Reserch Worker, Head of the Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and vice director of Joint Laboratories of the South Bohemian Biological Centre, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

1993 – present Head of the Laboratory of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Systems Biology and Ecology, AS CR, České Budějovice, since 2011 Laboratory of Metabolomic and Isotopic Analyses, České Budějovice, Global Change Research Institute AS CR Brno

Important research visits and fellowships

1974 – 1975  Postdoctoral Fellowship from DAAD, Bonn, Germany, Institut für Organische Chemie, Aachen, Germany

1979 – 1980  Research Fellowship from IREX, New York, USA Chemistry Department, University of Houston, Texas, USA

1982  Research Fellowship from DAAD, Germany, Institut für Kohlenforschung Mülheim, Institut für Organische Chemie, Universität Bochum

1993-1994 Research Fellowship, CCIW, Burlington, Ontario, Canada

1999, 2001, 2004, 2006 Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Jyväskylä, Finland


Founding member of Engineering Academy of CR

Member of Main Board of Czech Chemical Society

Member of Scientific Board “Agricultural Chemistry”, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice

Member of Scientific Board “Environmental Chemistry”, Masaryk University, Brno

Member of Scientific Board of Faculty of Horticulture, Lednice, Mendel University, Brno

Member of Editorial Board of the journal “Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg”

Brief scientometrics

Author and co-author of one book, one chapter in a Czech book, 3 chapters in three books written in English, 160 original papers (128 papers with IF), 180 presentations at conferences at home and abroad, 20 patents and 13 industrial and utility models. Co-investigator and investigator of a total of 27 projects of various grant agencies since 1995. H-Index 23 (WOS, Core Collection).