Position: graduate student
Branch: Department of social-ecological analysis
Workplace: ÚVGZ AV ČR, v. v. i.V Jirchářích 149/6Praha110 00
Email: nohlova.b@czechglobe.cz
Research Focus
Analysis of environmental justice concerning biodiversity protection; analysis of rural and climate justice concerning just landscape transformation; harmonization of the sustainability of nature protection measures and economic development of afflicted localities; just coexistence of social and ecological systems; qualitative social research; cross-cultural research; transformation labs
10/2019 – present: Ph.D. candidate – Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, the study program: Social Ecology
Topic/thesis: Environmental justice analysis to advance biodiversity protection in two selected countries
09/2014 – 09/2016: Master degree – Faculty of Arts, Palacký University, the study program: Cultural Anthropology and Cultural Studies
09/2011 – 06/2014: Bachelor degree – Faculty of Arts, Palacký University, the study program: Cultural Anthropology
Important research visits and fellowships
2019: Internship in Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, WA, United States (prof. Lisa Dabek). The internship focused on researching the environmental efforts of the Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program (TKCP).
2018: Research stay in Yawan, Kotet and Lae, Papua New Guinea. The research evaluated the applied nature protection steps of the Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program concerning the needs of local communities.