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Global Change Research Institute, CAS

prof. Mgr. Ing. Miroslav Trnka, Ph.D.


Position: senior, domain leader, leader of RT 03

Branch: Department of Climate Change Impacts on Agroecosystems

Workplace: ÚVGZ AV ČR, v. v. i.K Zámečku 1215Bystřice nad Pernštejnem593 01


Phone: +420 725 950 927

Research Focus

weather/climate&plant production and interactions; dynamic plant growth modeling and its relation to abitotic stresses; drought climatology and methods of drought assessment and monitoring; climate change impact assessment on the ecosystem servises; modeling of the pest-weather relationship; micrometeorological methods for water balance monitoring and water balance modelling


1993-1994        Cowanesque valley high school, Pennsylvania, USA

1994-1999        Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, MSc. in agric. ecology – graduated with distinction (rector’s award)                       

1996–2001       Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, M.A. in general law and law science – graduated with distinction (dean’s award)

1999–2002       Ph.D., Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno


Professional experience:

2002-2003:   researcher, Institute of Landscape Ecology, Mendel University Brno

2004-2009: assistant Professor and researcher at Mendel University in Brno

2009 -2014 : associated Professor and researcher at Mendel University in Brno

2010 – : senior researcher and head of laboratory of at CzechGlobe – Global Change Research Institute AS CR, v.v.i.

2014- : full Professor and researcher at Mendel University in Brno

2014 – : leader of DOMAIN OF CLIMATE ANALYSIS AND MODELLING at CzechGlobe – Global Change Research Institute AS CR, v.v.i.


2014: J.G. Mendel Medal given by Dean of Faculty of Agronomy for “Conducting and promoting collaborative research”

Important research visits and fellowships

1993-1994 (12 months) USA, Cowanesque Valley High School, Westfield, PA; 1995 (2 months) USA, Columbia – Department of Agriculture, SC; 2000 (1 month) Israel, course “Weather Crop Modelling” held by WMO; 2001-2014 (total 13 months) Austria, Institute of Meteorology and Physics, BOKU, Vienna; 2003-2014  USA (total 7 months at National Drought Mitigation Centre, University of Nebraska, Lincoln); 2005 – AVEC, France (summer school Vulnerability of Ecosystems and adaptation to the Climate Change;– organized by PIK, Germany); 2004-2010 France (2 months in total – 4 stays at INRA Avignon – crop modelling with STICs)

Brief scientometrics

H- index as in August 2014 – 16

So far he has published:

50 scientific paper in IF journals with over 800 references (without autocitations)

10 top publications

  1. Trnka, M., Rotter, R.P., Ruiz–Ramos, M., Kersebaum, K.Ch., Olesen, J.E., Zalud, Z., Semenov, M.A., 2014. Adverse weather conditions for European wheat production will become more frequent with climate change. Nature Climate Change. doi:10.1038/nclimate2242
  2. Trnka, M., Olesen, J. E., Kersebaum, K. C., Skjelvag, A. O., Eitzinger, J., Seguin, B., Peltonen–Sainio, P., Rötter, R., Iglesias, A., Orlandini, S., Dubrovsky, M., Hlavinka, P., Balek, J., Eckersten, H., Cloppet, E., Calanca, P., Gobin, A., Vucetic, V., Nejedlik, P., Kumar, S., Lalic, B., Mestre, A., Rossi, F., Kozyra, J., Alexandrov, V., Semeradova, D. Zalud, Z. (2011), Agroclimatic  conditions in Europe under climate change. Global Change Biology, 17: no. doi: 10.1111/j.1365–2486.2011.02396.x
  3. Eitzinger J., Trnka M., Hosch J., Zalud Z., Dubrovsky M. (2004): Comparison of CERES,WOFOST and SWAP models in simulating soil water kontent during growing season under diferent soil conditions; Ecological Modelling, 171: 223–246
  4. Trnka M., Kysely J., Mozny M., Dubrovsky M. (2009): Changes in Central–European soil–moisture availability and circulation patterns in 1881– 2005, International Journal of Climatology, 29: 655–672 Impakt faktor:  2.347; Počet citací bez autocitací:  2
  5. Trnka M., Muska F., Semeradova D., Dubrovsky M., Kocmankova E., Zalud, Z. (2007): European Corn Borer life stage model: Regional estimates of pest development and spatial distribution under present and future climate; Ecological Modelling, 207:61–84
  6. Peltonen–Sainio P., Jauhiainen L., Trnka M., Olesen J.E., Calanca P., Eckersten H ., Eitzinger J., Gobin A., Kersebaum K.C., Kozyra J., Kumar S., Dalla Marta A., Micale F., Schaap, B., Seguin B., Skjelvag A.O., Orlandini S., (2010): Coincidence of variation in yield and climate in Europe Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 139: 483–489
  7. Trnka M., Dubrovsky M., Svoboda M., Semeradova D., Hayes M., Zalud Z., Wilhite D., (2009): Developing a regional drought climatology for the Czech Republic, International Journal of Climatology, 29: 863–883
  8. Hlavinka P., Trnka M., Semeradova D., Dubrovsky M., Zalud Z., Mozny M. (2009): Effect of drought on yield variability  of key crops in Czech Republic, Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 149: 431–442
  9. Audsley E, Pearn K, Simota C,  E. Koutsidou, M.D.A. Rounsevell, M. Trnka a V. Alexandrov (2006) What can scenario modelling tell us about future European scale agricultural land use, and what not? Environmental Science & Policy, 9, 148–162
  10. Olesen, J.E.  M. Trnka, K.C. Kersebaum, A.O. Skjelvåg, B. Seguin, P. Peltonen–Sainio, F. Rossi, J. Kozyra, F. Micale (2011)  Impacts and adaptation of European crop production systems to climate change  Review Article,  European Journal of Agronomy, Volume 34:  96–112Impakt faktor:  2.419; Počet citací bez autocitací:  :  20