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Global Change Research Institute, CAS

RNDr. Pavel Krám, Ph.D.


Position: Scientist

Branch: Department of Biogeochemical and Hydrological Cycles

Workplace: ÚVGZ AV ČR, v. v. i.V Jirchářích 149/6Praha110 00



Research Focus

Biogeochemistry, hydrology, forest ecology, monitoring and modeling of small forest catchments

Founder, Manager and Research Coordinator of the Slavkov Forest Critical Zone Observatory (geochemically contrasting catchments Lysina, Pluhův Bor and Na Zeleném)


Ph.D., Syracuse University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Syracuse, New York, USA, 1997

Postgraduate Course Diploma, Institute of Applied Ecology, Czech University of Life Sciences, Kostelec na Černými lesy, Czechia, 1991 (10 weeks in 1989-1991)

RNDr., Charles University, Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Prague, Czechia, 1985

Leaving examination, Secondary Technical School, Specialization of Geological Survey and Mine Surveying, Příbram, Czechia, 1979


2011-present:Global Change Research Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno (Scientist, part time 40%)

2022-present: Czech Geological Survey, Prague (Research Scientist)

2010-2021: Czech Geological Survey, Prague (Deputy Head of the Department of Biogeochemistry and Global Change) 

1999-2001: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden (Postdoctoral Fellow)

1992-1997: Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA (Research Assistant)

9/1984-2009: Czech Geological Survey, Prague (Research Scientist)


Principal investigator of three projects from the Czech Science Foundation; Principal investigator of one international project from the Czech Ministry of Eduction, Youth and Sports and the U.S. National Science Foundation; Principal investigator of eight internal projects of the Czech Geological Survey.

The best publication of young researcher from the Czech Geological Survey (1994)

Oral presentations (total 89 in the period of 1993 to 2024): Czechia (38), USA (16), Sweden (6), United Kingdom (4), Canada (3), Italy (2), Germany (2), France (2), Austria (2), Estonia (2), Slovakia (2), Malaysia (1), Albania (1), Russia (1), Belarus (1), Poland (1), Finland (1), Portugal (1), Spain (1), Switzerland (1), Greece (1)

Organization of conferences: Acid Rain 2005, Prague (coordinator of ten field trips); Biogeomon 2017, Litomyšl (editor of proceedings); Forestry Hydrology 2015 (Ostravice) and 2022 (Kouty u Ledče nad Sázavou)

Leadership of conference field trips: Acid Rain 2005 (Solling, Harz, Ore Mountains); Acid Rain 2005 (Slavkov Forest); Goldschmidt 2015 (Slavkov Forest)

Important research visits and fellowships

2 years, 1999-2001, Department of Environmental Assessment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden (postdoctoral research)

5 years, 1992-1997, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA (postgraduate study and research)

2 months, 1989, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia (UNESCO International Hydrological Postgraduate Course)


Member of the Czech National Committee for the International Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER)

Member of: Czech Geological Society, Czech Limnological Society, International Association of GeoChemistry, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, International Serpentine Ecology Society (national coordinator)

External reviewer for scientific journals: Acta Musei Moraviae Scientiae Geologicae; Ambio; Applied Geochemistry; Biogeochemistry; Biogeosciences; Biológia; Catena; Chemical Geology; Ekológia; Environment International; Environmental Geochemistry and Health; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment; Environmental Pollution; Environmental Science and Technology; Frontiers in Forests and Global Change; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Geoderma; Geoderma Regional; Global Change Biology; Hydrological Processes; Journal of Environmental Quality; Journal of Hydrology; Journal of Plant Nutritition and Soil Science; Journal of Soils and Sediments; Northeastern Naturalist; Open Journal of Environmental Biology; Opera Concortica; Science of the Total Environment; Scientific Data; Silva Gabreta; Water, Air, and Soil Pollution; Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus; Zprávy lesnického výzkumu

External reviewer of grant proposals for state organizations: Estonian Science Foundation; Czech Science Foundation; Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences; Grant Agency of Charles University; Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic

External reviewer of Ph.D. and habilitation dissertations, career promotions: Charles University, Prague (Dept. Ecology; Dept. of Geochemisty, Mineralogy and Mineral Resources); Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague (Dept. of Soil Sciences and Geology); Czech Technical University, Prague (Dept. of Hydraulics and Hydrology); US Forest Service of the US Department of Agriculture

Member of Expert Panels nad Verification and Review Panels in Earth Sciences and Agricultural Sciences of the Secretariat of Research, Development and Innovation Council, Government of the Czech Republic (2014-2017)

Vice-chair of the P210 Evaluation Panel (Geophysics, Geochemistry, Geology, Mineralogy, Hydrogeology) of the Czech Science Foundation (2011-2013), member of the P210 Panel (2009-2011)

Brief scientometrics

Database Web of Science (9/2024): 89 papers (the first author of 12 papers), 2726 citations (2276 citations without self citations), H index 29

Database Scopus (8/2024): 91 papers (the first author of 13 papers), 2775 citations, H index 30

Database Google Scholar (8/2024): 175 papers (the first author of 33 papers), cited 3854 times, H index 35, i10 index 74

Total (9/2024): 413 publications (the first author of 155 publications)

Selected papers (44):

Eklof K., von Bromsen C., Huser B., Akerblom S., Augustaitis A.., Veiteberg Braaten H.F., de Wit H.A., Dirnbock T., Elustondo D., Grandin U., Holubová A., Kleemola S., Krám P., Lundin L., Lofgren S., Markensten H., Moldan F., Pihl Karlsson G., Ronnback P., Valinia S., Vuorenmaa J. 2024. Trends in mercury, lead and cadmium concentratinos in 27 European streams and rivers: 2000-2020. Environmental Pollution 360: ArtNo 124761, 1-9.

Hruška J., Krám P. 2024. An increase in stream water DOC concentrations may not necesarily imply an increase in DOC fluxes in areas affected by acid deposition and climate change – An example from Central European catchments. Water 16: ArtNo 2220, 1-16.

Charamba L.V.C., Houska T., Kaiser K., Knorr K.H., Kruger S., Krause T., Chen H., Krám P., Hruška J., Kalbitz K. 2024. Tracing sources of dissolved organic matter along the terrestrial-aquatic continuum in the Ore Mountains, Germany. Science of the Total Environment 943: ArtNo 173807, 1-12.

Petrash D.A., Krám P., Pérez Rivera K.X., Buzek F., Čuřík J., Veselovský F., Novák M. 2023. Soil solution data from Bohemian headwater catchments record atmospheric metal deposition and legacy pollution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30: 48232-48247.

Monteith D.T., Henrys P.A., Hruška J., de Wit H.A., Krám P., Moldan F., Posch M., Raike A., Stoddard J.L., Shilland E.M., Pereira M.G., Evans C.D. 2023. Long-term rise in riverine dissolved organic carbon concentration is predicted by electrolyte solubility theory. Science Advances 9(3): ArtNo eade 3491, 1-11. 

Novák M., Andronikova A.V., Šebek O., Kotková J., Erban Kochergina Y.V., Štěpánová M., Strnad L., Krám P., Farkaš J., Veselovský F., Štědrá V., Čuřík J., Chrastný V., Přechová E., Housková M. 2022. Chromium isotope systamatics in three mantle-dirived domains of Central European Variscides: Relationships between d53Cr values and progressive weathering of serpentinized ultramafic rocks. Chemical Geology 604: ArtNo 120940, 1-21.

Andronikov A.V., Novák M., Krám P., Šebek O., Andronikova I.E., Štěpánová M., Vítková H., Antalová E., Komárek A. 2021. d53Cr values of catchment runoff exhibit seasonality regardless of bedrock Cr concentrations: Role of periodically changing chromium export fluxes. Hydrological Processes 35(12): ArtNo e14434, 1-12.

de Wit H.A., Stoddard J.L., Monteith D.T., Sample J.E., Austnes K., Couture S., Folster J., Higgins S.N., Houle S., Hruška J., Krám P., Kopáček J., Paterson A.M., Valinia S., van Dam H., Vuorenmaa J., Evans C.D. 2021. Cleaner air reveals growing influence of climate on dissolved organic carbon trends in northern headwaters. Environmental Research Letters 16(10): ArtNo 104009, 1-13.

Zheng W., Lamačová A., Yu X., Krám P., Hruška J., Zahradníček P., Štěpánek P., Farda A. 2021. Assess hydrological responses to a warming climate at the Lysina Critical Zone Observatory in Central Europe. Hydrological Processes, 35(10): ArtNo e14281, 1-17.

Oulehle F., Fischer M. Hruška J., Chuman T., Krám P., Navrátil T., Tesař M., Trnka M. 2021. The GEOMON network of Czech catchments provides long-term insights into altered forest biogeochemistry: From acid atmospheric deposition to climate change. Hydrological Processes 35(5): ArtNo e14204, 1-18.

Oulehle F., Goodale C.L., Evans C.D., Chuman T., Hruška J., Krám P., Navrátil T., Tesař M., Ač A., Urban O., Tahovská K. 2021. Dissolved and gaseous nitrogen losses in forests controlled by soil nutrient  stoichiometry. Environmental Research Letters 16(6): ArtNo 064025, 1-11.

Novák M., Andronikov A., Krám P., Čuřík J., Veselovský F., Štěpánová M., Přechová E., Šebek O., Bohdálková L. 2021. Time series of delta26Mg values in a headwater catchment reveal decreasing magnesium isotope variability from precipitation to runoff. Hydrological Processes 35(4): ArtNo e14116, 1-10.

Forsius M., Posch M., Holmberg M., Vuorenmaa J., Kleemola S., Augustaitis A., Beudert B., Bochenek W., Clarke N., de Wit H.A., Dirnbock T., Frey J., Hakola H., Kobler J., Krám P., Lindroos A.-J., Grandin U., Lofgren S., Peczka T., Skotak K., Szpikowski J., Ukonmaanaho L., Váňa M. 2021. Assessing critical load exceedances and ecosystem impacts of anthropogenic nitrogen and sulphur deposition at unmanaged forested catchments in Europe. Science of the Total Environment 753: ArtNo 141791, 1-12.

Novák M., Farkaš J., Krám P., Hruška J., Štěpánová M., Veselovský F., Čuřik J., Andronikov A.V., Šebek O., Šimeček M., Fottová D., Bohdálková L., Přechová E., Koubová M., Vítková H. (2020) Controls on delta26Mg variability in three Central European headwater catchments characterized by contrasting bedrock chemistry and contrasting inputs of atmospheric pollutants. PLoS ONE 15: e0242915, 1-19. 

Švik M., Oulehle F., Krám P., Janoutová R., Tajovská K., Homolová L. 2020. Landsat-based indices reveal consisntent recovery of forested stream catchments from acid deposition. Remote Sensing 12: ArtNo 1944, 1-20.

Buzek F., Čejková B., Jačková I., Krám P., Oulehle F., Myška O., Čuřík J., Veselovský F., Novák M., 2020. 15N study of the reactivity of atmospheric nitrogen in four mountain forest catchments (Czech Republic, central Europe). Applied Geochemistry 116: ArtNo  104567, 1-15.

Hayes N.R., Buss H.L., Moore O.W., Krám P., Pancost R.D. 2020. Controls on granitic weathering fronts in contrasting climates. Chemical Geology 535: ArtNo 119450, 1-19.

Krám P., Oulehle F. Hruška J., Veselovský F., Čuřík J., Myška O., Novák M., McDowell W.D. 2019. Calcium and magnesium biogeochemistry in spruce catchments underlain by felsic, mafic, and ultramafic rocks. E3S Web of Conferences 98: ArtNo 06007, 1-6.

Krám P. 2019. Water balance and hydrologic patterns of the Lysina catchment, Slavkov Forest, 1990-2018 (In Czech, English abstract and captions). Geoscience Research Reports 52: 45-52.

Dannhaus N., Wittmann H., Krám P., Christl M., von Blanckenburg F. 2018. Catchment-wide weathering and erosion rates of mafic, ultramafic, and granitic rock from cosmogenic meteoric 10Be/9Be ratios. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 222: 618-641.

Schneider S.C., Oulehle F., Krám P., Hruška J. 2018. Recovery of benthic algal assemblages from acidification: how long does it take, and is there a link to eutrophication? Hydrobiologia 805: 33-47.

Novák M., Krám P., Šebek O., Andronikov A., Chrastný V., Martínková E., Štěpánová M., Přechová E., Čuřík J., Veselovský F., Myška O., Štědrá V., Farkaš J. 2017. Temporal changes in Cr fluxes and d53Cr values in runoff from a small serpentinite catchment (Slavkov Forest, Czech Republic). Chemical Geology 472: 22-30.

Krám P., Čuřík J., Veselovský F., Myška O., Hruška J., Štědrá V., Jarchovský T., Buss H.L., Chuman T. 2017. Hydrochemical fluxes and bedrock chemistry in three contrasting catchments underlain by felsic, mafic and ultramafic rocks. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 17: 538-541.

Kopáček J., Hejzlar J., Krám P., Oulehle F., Posch M. 2016. Effect of industrial dust on precipitation chemistry in the Czech Republic (Central Europe) from 1850 to 2013. Water Research 103: 30-37.

Rosenstock N.P., Berner C., Smits M.M., Krám P., Wallander H. 2016. The role of phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium availability in soil fungal exploration of mineral nutrient sources in Norway spruce forests. New Phytologist 211: 542-553.

Regelink I.C., Stoof C.R., Rousseva S., Weng L., Lair G.J., Krám P., Nikolaidis N.P., Kercheva M., Banwart S., Comans R.N.J. 2015. Linkages between aggregate formation, porosity and soil chemical properties. Geoderma 247-248: 24-37.

Hruška J., Krám P., Moldan F., Oulehle F., Evans C., Wright R.F., Cosby B.J. 2014. Changes of soil DOC affect reconstructed history and projected future trends in surface water acidification. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 225: ArtNo 2015, 1-13.

Lamačová A., Hruška J., Krám P., Stuchlík E., Farda A., Chuman T., Fottová D. 2014. Runoff trends analysis and future projections of hydrological pattenrs in small forested catchments. Soil & Water Research 9: 169-181. 

Garmo O.A., Skjelkvale B.L., de Wit H.A., Colombo L., Curtis C., Folster J., Hoffmann A., Hruška J., Hogasen T., Jeffries D.S., Keller W.B., Krám P., Majer V., Monteith D.T., Paterson A.M., Rogora M., Rzychon D., Steingruber S., Stoddard J.L., Vuorenmaa J., Worsztynowicz A. 2014. Trends in surface water chemistry in acidified areas in Europe and North America from 1990-2008. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 225: ArtNo 1880, 1-14. 

Traister E.M., McDowell W.D., Krám P., Fottová D., Kolaříková K. 2013. Persistent effects of acidification on stream ecosystem structure and function. Freshwater Science 32: 586-596.

Krám P., Hruška J., Shanley J.B. 2012. Streamwater chemistry in three contrasting monolithologic catchments. Applied Geochemistry 27: 1854-1863.

Benčoková A., Krám P., Hruška J. 2011. Future and recent changes in flow patterns in Czech headwater catchments. Climate Research 49: 1-15.

Hruška J., Krám P., McDowell W.H., Oulehle F. 2009. Increased dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in Central European streams is driven by reductions in ionic strength rather than climate change or decreasing acidity. Environmental Science and Technology 43: 4320-4326.

Krám P., Hruška J., Driscoll C.T., Johnson C.E., Oulehle F. 2009. Long-term changes in aluminum fractions of drainage waters in two forested catchments with contrasting lithology. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 103: 1465-1472.

Krám P., Oulehle F., Štědrá V., Hruška J., Shanley J.B., Minocha R., Traister E. 2009. Geoecology of a forest watershed underlain by serpentine in central Europe. Northeastern Naturalist 16(Spec. 5): 309-328. 

Majer V., Krám P., Shanley J.B. 2005. Rapid regional recovery from sulfate and nitrate pollution in streams of the western Czech Republic – comparison to other recovering areas. Environmental Pollution 135: 17-28.

Hruška J., Krám P. 2003. Modelling long-changes in stream water and soil chemistry in catchments with contrasting vulnerability to acidification (Lysina and Pluhuv Bor, Czech Republic). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 7: 525-539.

Krám P., Bishop K., Moldan F. 2001. Modeling long-term streamwater chemistry in the Berg catchment, southwestern Sweden. Nordic Hydrology 32: 249-264.

Krám P., Laudon H., Bishop K., Rapp L. Hruška J. 2001. MAGIC modeling of long-term lake water and soil chemistry at Abborrtrasket, Northern Sweden. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 130: 1301-1306.

Krám P., Santore R.C., Driscoll C.T., Aber J.D., Hruška J. 1999. Application of the forest-soil-water model (PnET-BGC/CHESS) to the Lysina catchment, Czech Republic. Ecological Modelling 120: 9-33.

Krám P., Hruška J., Driscoll C.T. 1998. Beryllium chemistry in the Lysina catchment, Czech Republic. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 105: 409-415.

Krám P., Hruška J., Wenner B.S., Driscoll C.T., Johnson C.E. 1997. The biogeochemistry of basic cations in two forest catchments with contrasting lithology in the Czech Republic. Biogeochemistry 37: 173-202.

Krám P., Hruška J., Driscoll C.T., Johnson C.E. 1995. Biogeochemistry of aluminum in a forest catchment in the Czech Republic impacted by atmospheric inputs of strong acids. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 85: 1831-1836.

Krám P., Hruška J. 1994. Influence of bedrock geology on elemental fluxes in two forested catchments affected by high acidic deposition. Applied Hydrogeology 2: 50-58.