Position: graduate student
Branch: Laboratory of Ecological Plant Physiology
ÚVGZ AV ČR, v. v. i.
Bělidla 4a
603 00
Email: sura.k@czechglobe.cz
Phone: +420 511 192 294
Research Focus
Using of optical methods for epidermal phenolic compounds determination to diagnose abiotic stress in spring barley.
2007 – 2010: Mendel university in Brno, Faculty of Agronomy: Bachelor degree: “Plant Protection”
2010 – 2012: Mendel university in Brno, Faculty of Agronomy: Master degree: “Plant Protection”
2012 – present: Mendel university in Brno, Faculty of Agronomy: Ph.D. student: “General Plant Production”
2016 – present: Ph.D. student in Global Change Research Institute AS CR, v.v.i.
2012 – 2015: Ph.D. student in Global Change Research Centre AS CR, v.v.i.