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MSc. Tomáš Baďura, Ph.D.


Pozice: vědecký pracovník

Oddělení: Oddělení společenského rozměru globální změny

Pracoviště: ÚVGZ AV ČR, v. v. i. V Jirchářích 149/6 Praha 110 00


Telefon: 704672947

Odborné zaměření

I am an environmental economist that focuses on applied and conceptual issues surrounding the efforts to incorporate the value of nature in policy processes and decision making.

My professional and academic work and public activities since 2010 focus on non-market valuationbiodiversity, space and policy. It concerns public values of nature protection, biodiversity improvements in agriculture or nature based solutions to climate adaptation in cities. My research aims to inform policy in CZ, UK, EU and globally. Methodologically, I specialise in the use of spatial non-market valuation methods and natural capital accounting, but I also havesolid knowledge of other valuation approaches (monetary, non-monetary) and their applicability in decision making context.

Non-market valuation; choice modelling; economics of ecosystems and biodiversity; natural capital accounting; governance of ecosystems; sustainability


    • 2013-2017: PhD (Environmentální ekonomie) supervised by Prof. Ian Bateman, Dr. Silvia Ferrini; University of East Anglia, UK
    • 2010-2012: MSc (Ekonomie), University of Amsterdam, NL
    • 2008-2009: Erasmus Exchange (1year): University of Bath, UK
    • 2006-2010: Bc (Ekonomické teorie), Institut Ekonomických Studií (IES), FSV UK, CZ

    Profesní kariéra

    • 11/2016+ Senior Research Associate, Centre for Social and Economic research on the global environment pod vedením Prof. Kerry Turnera & Dr. Silvia Ferrini
    • 07-03/2013: Externí konzultant pro WWF Germany
    • 06/2011-08/2012: Policy Analyst – Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), tým Environmentální Ekonomie pod vedením Patricka ten Brinka (e.g. TEEB 2011)


    • IAERE2019 Young environmental Economist Award

    • cena Josefa Vavrouška (magisterská práce)

    Významné výzkumné pobyty a stipendia

    • University of Western Australia, Prof. Michael Burton (08/2014-12/2014 )
    • NERC Knowledge Exchange Fellowship 2016 (£18,000 6 měsíců)
    • Zuckerman PhD Studentship (2013, University of East Anglia; £13,726 ročně po 3 roky

    Stručná scientometrie


    • Eva Horváthová E, Badura T, Duchková H (2021) The value of the shading function of urban trees: A replacement cost approach. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening

    • Badura T, Ferrini S, Burton M, Binner A, Bateman I (2020) Using Individualised Choice Maps to Capture the Spatial Dimensions of Value Within Choice Experiments. Environmental and Resource Economics, in: Special issue “Spatial Dimensions of Stated Preferences”

    • Grammatikopoulou I, Badura T, Vackaru D (2020) Public preferences for post 2020 agri-environmental policy in the Czech Republic: a choice experiment approach. Land Use Policy

    • Turner K, Badura T, Ferrini S (2019) Natural Capital Accounting Perspectives: a pragmatic way forward. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability

    • Bateman I, Coombes E, Fitzherbert E, Binner A, Badura T, Carbone C, Fisher B, Naidoo R, Watkinson A (2015) Where the wild things are: Conserving tropical biodiversity via market forces and spatial targeting. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

    • Bateman I, Agarwala M, Badura T (2014) Pollinator declines: Avoid pitfalls of consensus methods. Nature.


    • Badura T, Turner K, Ferrini S (2019) Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services Valuation: Assisting Policy Making. In: Routledge Companion to Environmental Planning and Sustainability
    • Badura T, Bateman I, Agarwala M, Binner A (2016) Valuing ecosystem preferences for ecosystem related goods and services in: Roy Haines-Young, Marion Potschin, Robert Fish and Kerry Turner ed(s) Handbook on Ecosystem Services, Earthscan from Routledge
    • ten Brink P, Maza L, Badura T, Kettunen M, Withana M (2014) Governance of the Transition to a Green Economy – Responding to the Values of Nature in: Paulo Nunes, Pushpam Kumar and Tom Dedeurwaerdere. ed(s) Handbook of Ecosystem Services Economics. Edward Elgar, UK, Cheltenham
    • Badura T and Kettunen M (2013) Chapter 7: Regulating services and related goods in M. Kettunen and P. ten Brink. Social and Economic Benefits of Protected Areas – Assessment Guide, EarthScan from Routledge, London


    • Turner K, Badura T, Ferrini S (2019b) Valuation, Natural Capital Accounting and Decision-Support Systems: Process, Tools and Methods. Synthesis report to the European Commission.
    • Badura T, Ferrini S, Agarwala M and Turner K (2017) Valuation for Natural Capital and Ecosystem Accounting. Synthesis report for the European Commission.
    • Bateman I, Day B, Agarwala M, Bacon P, Badura T, Binner A, De-Gol AJ et al. (2014) UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow‐On (NEA‐FO) Workpackage3a: Economic value of ecosystem services for the UK Department of Environment, Fisheries and Rural Affairs. Cambridge, UNEP‐WCMC
    • Russi D, ten Brink P, Farmer A, Badura T, Coates D, Förster J, Kumar R and Davidson N (2013) The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for Water and Wetlands IEEP, London and Brussels
    • Kettunen M, Vihervaara P, Kinnunen S, D’Amato D, Badura T, Argimon M and ten Brink P (2013) Socio-economic importance of ecosystem services in the Nordic Countries – Synthesis in the context of The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB),Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen
    • ten Brink P, Badura T, Bassi S, Daly E, Dickie I, Ding H, Gantioler S, Gerdes H, Kettunen M, Lago M, Lang S, Markandya A, Nunes PALD, Pieterse M, Rayment M, Tinch R (2011) Estimating the Overall Economic Value of the Benefits provided by the Natura 2000 Network,Final Report to the European Commission