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Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.

MSc. Janko Arsić


Pozice: doktorand

Oddělení: Oddělení xylogeneze a tvorby biomasy

Pracoviště: ÚVGZ AV ČR, v. v. i. Bělidla 4a Brno 603 00


Odborné zaměření

To analyze differences in water balance, water management and drought stress response of saplings under different CO2 concentrations.


Since 2019:  Ph.D. study in Forest Ecology, Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology 

2009-2016: B.Sc. & M.Sc. studies: Belgrade University, Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade, Serbia. Gained an M.Sc. degree in Forestry Sciences.

Profesní kariéra

Since 2019: Global Change Research Institute CAS

Významné výzkumné pobyty a stipendia

18/07/2021 – 24/07/2021 – research stay –  Alpine Plant Ecology – Summer school on Alpine plant life; Swiss Central Alps (ALPFOR)Alpine Research and Education Station Furka Pass, 2440 m a.s.l.

13/09/2021 – 22/09/2021 – International on-site postgraduate course – Forest Management across Europe – Towards climate-smart strategies; Training Forest Enterprise Masaryk Forest Krtiny Mendel University Brno, Czech Republic

27/02/2023 – 30/04/2023 – Internship at C.R.E.A.F. Institute at Barcelona (Spain)

Stručná scientometrie