Pozice: odborný pracovník VaV
Oddělení: Oddělení toků látek a energie
Pracoviště: ÚVGZ AV ČR, v. v. i. Bělidla 4a Brno 603 00
Email: sosa.c@czechglobe.cz
Odborné zaměření
2013 – 2022: Environmental management, Atmospheric pollution, Air quality, Carbon Footprint Determination, Geographic information systems
2022: Greenhouse gases exchange at ecosystem level, fluxes of energy and matter, carbon cycle, micrometeorological aspects influencing the determination of ecosystem-atmosphere carbon exchange
15/9/2013 – 25/1/2017: M.Sc. studies: Management of air pollution in an industrial municipality. Case study: Mariel. Institute of Technologies and Applied Sciences, Havana University, Havana, Cuba. Gained a M.Sc. degree in Environment Management.
Profesní kariéra
1/9/2011 – 31/8/2013. Training period work. Atmospheric Chemistry and Pollution Center, Meteorological Institute, Havana, Cuba.
1/9/2013 – 31/8/2015. Meteorogy specialist and aspirant researcher. Greenhouse Gases National Inventory Technical Team, Atmospheric Chemistry and Pollution Center, Meteorological Institute, Havana, Cuba.
1/9/2015 – 31/8/2018. Meteorogy superior specialist and aggregate researcher. Greenhouse Gases National Inventory Technical Team, Atmospheric Chemistry and Pollution Center, Meteorological Institute, Havana, Cuba.
1/8/2018 – 15/10/2022. General Coordinator of Greenhouse Gases National Inventory Technical Team, Meteorogy superior specialist and aggregate researcher, Atmospheric Chemistry and Pollution Center, Meteorological Institute, Havana, Cuba.
28/10/2022 – Now. PhD Student in Mendel University and member of Department of Matters and Energy Fluxes, Global Change Research Institute CAS, Brno, Czech Republic
Focal Point for Cuba of the Latin American Network of National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Roster of Experts of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change