Pozice: vědecká pracovnice
Oddělení: Oddělení dálkového průzkumu Země
Pracoviště: ÚVGZ AV ČR, v. v. i. Bělidla 4a Brno 603 00
Email: brovkina.o@czechglobe.cz
Odborné zaměření
Satellite and airborne spectroscopy for the assessment of anthropogenic disturbances in different ecosystems, land-use/land-cover changes
1997-2003 Saint Petersburg University of Aerospace Instrumentation (Russia)
2007 – 2009 Scientific Research Centre of Ecological Safety, post graduate course „Aerospace methods of Earth research“
2011 Candidate dissertation in Russian State Pedagogic University, Department of Geography (thesis „Monitoring of dumps in North-West Russia“)
Profesní kariéra
2003-2012 Mozhaysky Military Aerospace Academy, Department of Ecology
2007-2010 Scientific Research Centre of Ecological Safety RAS
2012 -2013 Saint Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of RAS (SPIIRAS)
2013-2015 Mendel University in Brno, PostDoc
2014 – .. Global Change Research Institute, Department of Remote Sensing
Významné výzkumné pobyty a stipendia
2014 University of Helsinki, Department of Forest Science
Stručná scientometrie
Publications in Russian: