Portal of soil drought monitoring and forecasting. It combines data of ground-based measurement, a dynamic water balance model, remote sensing methods and observations from a wide network of reporters.
Portal focused on the long-term development of climatic conditions, meteorological extremes and their impacts on agriculture, forestry, water regime and landscape.
Web portals for monitoring and evaluating the state of vegetation and yields, monitoring and forecasting of abiotic and biotic risks for agricultural crops and a portal forecasting fire risks
Unique platform for undertaking comprehensive international interdisciplinary research on Global Change (GC) and its impacts on ecosystems.
Transfer of knowledge and practices for climate change adaptation to agricultural and forestry practice and public administration.
Transfer of knowledge and practices for climate change adaptation to the energy sector.
Advanced methods of greenhouse gases emission reduction and sequestration in agriculture and forest landscape for climate change mitigation
European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures. CzechGlobe involvement in the projects included in the ESFRI Road map.