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Global Change Research Institute, CAS


Database of projects currently being solved as well as already completed projects.

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Number of projects found: 285

Impact of temperature and photosynthetically active radiation on dynamics of regulation of photosystem II function in higher plants

Provider: Grantová agentura České republiky
Recipient: Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě
Another participant in the project: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
Another participant in the project: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Keywords: nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence, dynamics of regulation of photosystem II function and organization, violaxanthin deepoxidation, response to elevated temperature and ligh, Norway spruce, barley, Arabidopsis
Detail of project in RVVI: RVVI
Annotation of project:
Assimilatory apparatus of higher plants is permanently exposed to variable environments, among which intensity of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and temperature can change dramatically in rapid time-scale. The zeaxanthin and PsbS dependent nonradiative dissipation of absorbed light within PS II (NRD) have been extensively studied as a crucial protective process mitigating oxidative damage of thylakoid membranes under high-light stress. However, considerably less information is available on the role of this regulatory mechanism in response of plants to elevated temperatures in combination with different PAR intensities. The project proposal is aimed to provide new information on impact of temperature and light on dynamics of regulation of PS II function with focus on: 1, explanation of the factors that determine the species-specific differences of NRD role in PS II protection; 2, characterization of the role of different dynamics of NRD regulation on photosynthetic performance of plants under natural changes of light and temperature during vegetation period.

Bottom-up Climate Adaptation Strategies towards a Sustainable Europe

Provider: 7. rámcový program
Recipient: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Keywords: Cost-Benefit; Bottom-Up; Participation; Case-studies; Adaptation strategies; Sectors; EU, national, regional, local; Policy support.
Annotation of project:
Climate change can disrupt ecological, social and economic systems, with some regions and sectors suffering significantly. Therefore, adaptation plays a paramount role in responding to climate change. Progress has been made, but there are still important obstacles. Knowledge of the benefits and costs of adaptation is sparse, unsystematic and unevenly distributed across sectors and countries. Planning suffers from substantial uncertainties in terms of precise impacts. It is also difficult to reconcile the bottom-up nature of adaptation with top-down strategic policy making on adaptation. To address these challenges BASE will: Improve adaptation knowledge availability, integration and utilization Case studies will be used to understand facilitators of, and barriers to, adaptation. Over 20 cases have been selected to cover the diversity of adaptation, simultaneously paying attention to the need for generalization and comparability. The gap between top-down strategic assessments of costs and benefits and empirical context-sensitive bottom-up analyses will be bridged using novel combinations of models and qualitative analyses. Promote and strengthen stakeholder participation in adaptation BASE will support stakeholder involvement through novel participatory and co-design techniques. Successful bottom-up initiatives will be studied, and the use of knowledge, two-way learning, the role of social media and other awareness raising methods and tools will be explored. Support coherent, multi-level, multi-sector integrated adaptation policies BASE will provide policy guidelines by integrating lessons from past experiences, case studies, insights provided by modeling and stakeholder participation. Issues of multilevel, cross sectoral and inter-temporal governance that are presently weakly tackled will be highlighted. Potential conflicts and synergies of adaptation with other important policies will be explored to overcome constraints caused by context-related inertias.

Hydrometeorological extremes in Southern Moravia derived from documentary evidence

Provider: Grantová agentura České republiky
Recipient: Masarykova univerzita
Another participant in the project: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Keywords: hydrometeorological extreme - temporal and spatial variability - historical climatology - historical hydrology - documentary data - systematic meteorological observations - Southern Moravia
Detail of project in RVVI: RVVI
Annotation of project:
Hydrometeorological extremes (floods, thunderstorms, windstorms, hailstorms, torrential rains, frosts, droughts) cause material damage and loss of human lives. Expected changes in their frequency and magnitude in connection with the recent global warming has to be studied in historical context of the long-term climate variability. The short period of systematic meteorological and hydrological measurements are extended by extremes derived from documentary sources of historical climatology and historical hydrology (taxation records, family archives, chronicles and newspapers) which complement a period of systematic observations. Southern Moravia as the important region of the Czech Republic, moreover well covered by corresponding archival sources with hydrometeorological data, is selected for the detail historicalclimatological study of extremes (frequency of the occurrence, magnitude, seasonality, reasons, impacts).

Inovation of the biological and forest disciplined for higher competitiveness

Provider: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Recipient: Mendelova univerzita v Brně
Keywords: Innovation, forest, biology, ecology
Annotation of project:
Východiskem trvale udržitelného rozvoje společnosti jsou znalosti biologie a ekologie a schopnost implementovat excelentní poznatky inovativními technickými a správními opatřeními v konkrétních ekonomických podmínkách. Inovací předmětů a studijních plánů budou začleněny principy systémové biologie a ekologie v kontextu inženýrské profilace výuky disciplín na LDF MENDELU. Prostředkem ke zvýšení kompetencí cílové skupiny (studenti Bc., Mgr. a Ph.D.), je zvýšení kvality a inovace systému vzdělávání, založené na znalostech v biologických a ekologických disciplínách. Projekt zdůrazňuje mezioborové souvislosti a napomáhá osvojení technologie implementace poznatků. Bude dosaženo obsahové a kvalitativní inovace biologicky a ekologicky zaměřených předmětů biologického základu a v předmětech orientovaných na aplikaci poznatků oboru. Cíle projektu budou naplněny při řešení 4 klíčových aktivit a vytváření výukového polygonu.Aktivity budou realizovány zaměstnanci předkladatele a partnery projektu.

Indicators of trees vitality

Provider: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Recipient: Mendelova univerzita v Brně
Keywords: trees vitality, forest vitality
Annotation of project:
Cílem projektu je posílení kvality a excelence, zapojení do mezinárodních projektů a publikačních týmů, etablování členů cílové skupiny (CS), především mladých vědců a studentů, v mezinárodní vědě a jejich stabilizace. Zapojením vysoce kvalitního zahraničního vědce v oblasti komplexních chorob dřevin bude tým výzkumně navázán na instituce v Rakousku, Norsku, Itálii a Slovinsku. Týmové propojení zlepší odborné a organizační kompetence, excelenci členů CS projektu, zintenzivnění komunikační a týmové vazby na zahraniční instituce. Komplexní hodnocení zdravotního stavu lesů spolu s posouzením vitality, resp. stresové zátěže jednotlivých stromů je nezbytné pro pochopení působení klimatických extrémů a environmentálních změn. Pro interpretaci indikátorů vitality s cílem navrhnout opatření v adaptačním managementu a eliminovat dopady parciálních stresorů je nezbytná existence týmu schopného analýzy a syntézy znalostí, opatření je třeba navrhovat s vazbou na excelentní evropská pracoviště.

Platform for Research and Inventory of Forest Ecosystems

Provider: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Recipient: Mendelova univerzita v Brně
Keywords: forest ecosystem, inventarization of forest ecosystems
Annotation of project:
Cílem projektu je vytvoření funkční sítě institucí zabývající se širokou škálou aktivit v oblasti studia a inventarizace lesních ekosystémů, nastavení a zintenzivnění jejich spolupráce a vytvoření komunikační platformy. Cílovou skupinou jsou studenti, akademičtí a další pracovníci VŠ a další pracovníci zabývající se VaV aktivitami. Záměrem je prohloubení komunikace a interaktivní spolupráce mezi partnery formou studentských praxí a stáží, zpracování kvalifikačních prací v rámci multidisciplinárních týmů, kde budou zohledněny biologické i lesnické přístupy a následné interpretaci zjištěných skutečností. Lesy jsou stabilizačním prvkem středoevropské krajiny, kde jsou předmětem lesnického plánování, vycházejícího z biologicko-ekologických základů. Řešení otázek v lesnictví vyžaduje komplexní přístup a spolupráci řady oborů. Úlohou platformy je nastavení komunikace a uplatňování společného přístupu k lesním ekosystémům. Čtyři klíčové aktivity budou realizovány žadatelem a jeho partnery.

Formation of Research Team for Complex Assessment of the Biophysical and Social-economic Impacts of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies

Provider: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Recipient: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Keywords: global change, postdoc, intership, adaptation, adaptation strategies
Web of the project:
Annotation of project:
The main goal of the project is to create a qualified scientific multidisciplinary team focused on research and assessment of adaptation measures in the field of bioenergetics to global climate change. The core of this team will consist of scientists from Global Change Research Centre AS CR who will include two postdocs to it´s team. The postdocs will educate themselves on interships at top institutions. A key element will be different specialization of each postdoc suitably combining natural/environmental and social sciences. A broader view and understanding of the impact and complexity of the links in the area will be achieved by mutual cooperation of postdocs. The project aims to prepare career development for promising young scientists in this specialization which is missing in Czech Republic. Last but not least, the postdocs will disseminate their acquired knowledge, skills and experiences through publications, tutorials, workshops and courses for other young scientists and students in Czech Republic and abroad.

Spring-summer hydroclimate reconstruction of the past millennium for the Czech Republic using oak standard chronology

Provider: Grantová agentura České republiky
Coordinating recipient: Masarykova univerzita
Another participant in the project: Mendelova univerzita v Brně
Another participant in the project: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Keywords: climate reconstruction, oak chronology, tree ring width, hydroclimate, last millennium
Detail of project in RVVI: RVVI
Annotation of project:
Climate variability in the pre-instrumental period can be estimated from different kinds of proxy data. Whereas most proxy reconstructions aimed to temperature, several recent studies proved that tree ring width (TRW) oak (Quercus sp.) chronologies can be moisture/drought sensitive. Standard Czech oak chronology reaching back to 352 AD will be substantially completed especially in periods with low number of replications. Additional sampling of recent, historical and subfossil woods will be done with respect to different geography and altitude. Simultaneously a set of hydro-climatic target parameters such as precipitation and drought indices will be prepared from long and homogeneous instrumental series. Consecutively TRW will be calibrated to hydroclimate parameters. A novel ensemble methodological approach will be applied for dendroclimatic reconstruction allowing exploration of complex interplay between TRW proxy and a set of target parameters. Moreover, this approach will allow better understanding uncertainty sources in proxy-target relations and defining uncertainty estimates.

European Plant Phenotyping Network

Provider: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Recipient: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Keywords: zde zapsat 1 klíčové slovo, další přidat do dalších řádků; Plant phenotyping; Bioeconomy; Genome; Phenotype; Environment
Web of the project:
Detail of project in RVVI: RVVI
Annotation of project:
The ability to quantitatively analyze plant phenotypic traits (from single cells to plant and stand level) and their dynamic responses to the environment is an essential requirement for genetic and physiological research, and the cornerstone for enabling applications of scientific findings to bioeconomy. Whereas molecular profiling technologies allow today the generation of a large amount of data with decreasing costs largely due to automation and robotics, the understanding of the link between genotype and phenotype has progressed more slowly. Insufficient technical and conceptual capacity of the plant scientific community to probe existing genetic resources and unravel environmental effects limits faster progress in this field. The development of robust and standardized phenotyping applications depends on the availability of specialised infrastructure, technologies and protocols. Europe has become a key driver in defining innovative solutions in academic and industrial settings. However, the existing initiatives at the local or member-state level represent a fragmented research landscape with similar goals. The aim of this project is to create synergies between the leading plant phenotyping institutions in Europe as a nucleus for the development of a strong European Plant Phenotyping Network (EPPN). The project fosters the development of an effective European infrastructure including human resources, expertise and communication needed to support transnational access to user communities. Joint research activities will adapt and develop novel sensors and methods for application in plant phenotyping. Innovative phenotyping concepts integrating mechanistic, medium- and high throughput as well as field phenotyping will be developed and made available to the community. This project will strengthen Europe’s leading role in plant phenotyping research and application through the creation of a community of research institutes, universities, industry and SMEs.

Integrated assessment of global change impacts on environmental security of the Czech Republic

Provider: Ministerstvo vnitra
Recipient: CENIA, česká informační agentura životního prostředí
Coordinating recipient: Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Recipient / Organizational Unit guaranteeing Solutions: Univerzita Karlova v Praze
Keywords: Environmental security; Ecosystem services; Vulnerability to global change; Security threats; Adaptation and mitigation measures; Integrated assessment and monitoring; Biophysical and socioeconomic impacts
Web of the project:
Detail of project in RVVI: RVVI
Annotation of project:
The main objective of the project is to develop integrated approaches for assessing and monitoring the impacts of global change on environmental security of the Czech Republic and assessment of security risks to ecosystems. Sub-objectives include: 1. Develop and fulfill the obligations of the Czech Republic arising from environmental security monitoring programs GEOSS and GMES. 2. Develop methodology and information tools providing support for planning and organizing activities leading to the prevention or mitigation of the situation arising from a threat or damage to ecosystems. 3. Identify the major effects of adaptation and mitigation measures on environmental security. 4. Develop possible scenarios of security of ecosystem services in the Czech Republic based on the anticipated global changes and socio-economic development.