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Počet nalezených publikací: 2054

Kozhoridze G. Korolyova N. Komárek J. Klouček T. Moravec D. Šímová P. Jakuš R. (2024) Direct and mediated impacts of mixed forests on Norway spruce infestation by European bark beetle Ips typographus. . Vol.: , pp.  - 
Pech R. Volna A. Špunda V. Nezval J. (2024) Blue light as an important factor increasing plant tolerance to acute photooxidative stress. . Vol.: , pp.  - 
Frigo D. Roemer P. Unterholzner L. Zimmer-Zachmann H. Esper J. Carrer M. Ziaco E. (2024) Review of embedding and non-embedding techniques for quantitative wood anatomy. . Vol.: , pp.  - 
Arosio T. Torbenson M. Bebchuk T. Kirdyanov A. Esper J. Nakatsuka T. Sano M. Urban O. Nicolussi K. Leuenberger M. Büntgen U. (2024) Methodological constrains of tree-ring stable isotope chronologies. . Vol.: , pp.  - 
Khaledi V. Baatz R. Antonijevic D. Hoffmann M. Dietrich O. Lischeid G. Davies M. Merz C. Nendel C. (2024) Evaluating MONICA's capability to simulate water; carbon and nitrogen fluxes in a wet grassland at contrasting water tables. . Vol.: , pp.  - 
Janík T. Romportl D. Křenová Z. (2024) Applying landscape ecological principles in comprehensive landscape protection: Šumava National Park as a case study. . Vol.: , pp.  - 
Shelake R. Wagh S. Patil A. Červený J. Waghunde R. Kim J. (2024) Heat Stress and Plant-Biotic Interactions: Advances and Perspectives. . Vol.: , pp.  - 
Jehlička J. Oren A. Vítek P. Wierzchos J. (2024) Microbial colonization of gypsum: from the fossil record to the present day. . Vol.: , pp.  - 
Suchá L. Dušková L. Leventon J. Seidlová A. Bubák Š. Harmáčková V. (2024) Knowledge based interventions for sustainable development cooperation: insights from knowledge systems mapping in Zambia. . Vol.: , pp.  - 
Oulehle F. Kolář T. Rybníček M. Hruška J. Büntgen U. Trnka M. (2024) Complex imprint of air pollution in the basal area increments of three European tree species. . Vol.: , pp.  -